Ambient air pollution caused by suspended particles of PM10 and PM2.5 fractions, benzo[a]pyrene and ground-level ozone is a major problem for air quality in the Czech Republic (Fig. 1). The level of air pollution in a given year depends on the amount of emissions and the prevailing meteorological and dispersion conditions. Most air pollutants characteristics have shown a decreasing trend since the year 2000; this trend, however, is not as marked as that in the 90s of the last century. Nevertheless, the concentrations of the above-mentioned pollutants with serious impacts on human health exceed their respective limit values every year at a number of localities.
From the local and regional perspective the most serious situation remains in the agglomeration of Ostrava/Karviná/Frýdek-Místek; limit values are nevertheless exceeded in all zones and agglomerations. In the agglomeration of Ostrava/Karviná/Frýdek-Místek, high concentrations of pollutants are caused not only by sources in the Czech Republic, but also by the transfer of emissions from Poland. On both sides of the border there is a high concentration of industrial production, a high density of built-up areas with local household heating using solid fuels and developed transport infrastructure (Chapter V.3). In Prague and in Brno, limit-exceeding concentrations of air pollutants produced mainly by traffic, to which a considerable part of the population is exposed, remain a problem that needs to be addressed (Chapters V.1, V.2).
The deteriorated ambient air quality is not a problem only in the agglomerations and larger cities, but also in small settlements, where air pollution caused by suspended particles and benzo[a]pyrene comes from local heating. Increased and even limit-exceeding concentrations of these pollutants presumably occur also in places where they are not measured.
A considerable part of the territory of the Czech Republic is also exposed every year to above-limit concentrations of ground-level ozone. However, with regard to the chemistry of ozone, these are not so densely populated areas as in the case of suspended PM10 and PM2.5 particles and benzo[a]pyrene. Consequently, the resulting share of inhabitants affected by the limit-exceeding concentrations of ozone is lower compared to the share of inhabitants affected by the above-limit concentrations of PM10, PM2.5 and benzo[a]pyrene.
Areas with deteriorated air quality (ozone excluded) covered in 2014 approximately 13.5 % of the territory of the Czech Republic, inhabited by approximately 54.2 % of the population. The absolute majority of these areas was delimited based on exceedances the limit values for suspended PM10 and PM2.5 particles and benzo[a]pyrene. Some areas were included also due to the exceedance of the limit value for nitrogen dioxide and cadmium, although to a lesser extent. Areas with deteriorated air quality (ozone included) covered approximately 19.1 % of the area of the Czech Republic, inhabited by approximately 54.9 % of the population (Chapter VII).
The daily limit value for PM10 suspended particles was exceeded in 8.1 % of the territory of the Czech Republic, inhabited by approximately 24.4 % of the population, and the permissible average annual concentration was exceeded in 0.45 % of the territory, which is inhabited by 2.2 % of the population. The year 2014 as against the year 2013 saw an increase of the share of localities with exceedances of the daily limit value for PM10, and the total area with exceedances of the daily limit for PM10 increased too (Chapter. IV.1).
The annual limit value for suspended PM2.5 particles was exceeded in 1.8 % of the territory of the Czech Republic, inhabited by approximately 8.6 % of the population. The situation concerning the annual average concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 improved only slightly as compared with the year 2013 (Chapter IV.1).
The limit value for benzo[a]pyrene was exceeded, similarly as in the previous years, in a number of towns and small settlements (10.7 % of the Czech Republic inhabited by approx. 51.1 % of the population). Estimates of the fields of annual average concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene are burdened by the greatest uncertainties of all monitored substances ensuing from insufficient density of measurements, mainly at rural regional stations and in small settlements in the Czech Republic. As regards air pollution caused by benzo[a]pyrene, small settlements substantial influence ambient air quality due to local household heating (Chapter IV.2).
The limit value for nitrogen dioxide was exceeded only in 0.001 % of the territory of the Czech Republic, inhabited by ith 0.15 % of the population, especially at localities with high-intensity traffic in Prague, Brno and Ostrava. However, the limit value is presumably exceeded also in other places exposed to similar traffic loads, where no measurements are carried out. The 1-hour limit value for NO2 was not exceeded, similarly as in the previous years (Chapter IV.3).
The limit value for ground-level ozone was exceeded in 5.6 % of the territory of the Czech republic, inhabited by approximately 0.8 % of the population (average for the period 2012–2014; Chapter IV.4). In comparison with the previous year (average for the period 2011–2013), the area where limit concentrations were exceeded decreased (Chapter IV.4).
The limit value for benzene was not exceeded at any locality. The highest concentrations were reached, as in previous years, at stations in the agglomeration of Ostrava/Karviná/Frýdek-Místek (Chapter IV.5).
The limit value for arsenic was not exceeded at any locality in 2014. The limit value for cadmium was exceeded at the locality Tanvald-školka (Chapter IV.6).
The limit values for lead, nickel, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide were not exceeded, similarly as in the previous years (Chapters IV.6, IV.7, IV.8).
The limit value for ground-level ozone expressed as the AOT40 exposure index was exceeded only in a relatively small area of the Czech Republic, namely in the PLA Bílé Karpaty, the Krkonoše NP and the Šumava NP. In 2014, in comparison with the previous year, the AOT40 values increased at 91 % of localities (Chapters IV.4, VII.2).
The limit values for sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides for the protection of ecosystems and vegetation were not exceeded at any rural locality where concentrations of these pollutants are measured.
According to the results of modelling, the upper assessment threshold (UAT) in the case of the annual average concentration of SO2 was exceeded only in small areas of the Ústí nad Labem region, the Karlovy Vary region and the Moravia-Silesia region. Average concentrations of SO2 in the winter period of 2014/2015 exceeded the limit only in very small areas of the same regions (Chapter IV.7). Limit-exceeding concentrations of NOx occur mainly along transport communications. Results of modelling for the most valuable natural areas of the Czech Republic show that the limit value for NOx were exceeded only in a very small part of a few protected landscape areas (Chapter IV.3 and VII.2).
In 2014 nine smog situations and one regulatory notice were issued due to increased PM10 concentrations. At least one smog situation was announced in 4 of the total 15 SWRS areas for PM10. The greatest number of smog situations were announced in the territory of the agglomeration of Ostrava/Karviná/Frýdek-Místek. Only one regulatory notice was issued in the Moravia-Silesia zone. Compared to the year 2013, the number of smog situations due to PM10 decreased by 55 %. Two smog situations were announced due to high concentrations of ground-level ozone (Chapters III and IV.4): one in the Ostrava/Karviná/Frýdek-Místek aggolmeration and one in the Prague agglomeration (Chapter VI). Compared to the year 2013, the number of smog situations due to ozone thus decreased by 86 %.
Decreases in emissions of all main pollutants were recorded in 2014 compared to the year 2013. A preliminary evaluation indicates that for stationary sources, including household heating sources monitored within the REZZO 3 system, the main reason for the decrease in emissions was the course of the heating season, which was characterized by a smaller number of heating days and higher average outdoor temperatures than the long-term average (Chapter III). The new European legislation for the field of industrial emissions is favourably reflected, for example, in a decrease of emissions from the production of electric energy. Despite a moderate interannual increase in the sales of diesel oil, natural renewal of the car fleet brought a further average decrease of emissions from road transportation of 3 %.
The sector of local household heating still significantly contributed to ambient air pollution, namely by emissions of PM10 (37.8 %), PM2.5 (55.3 %), carbon monoxide (53.1 %) and benzo[a]pyrene (87.1 %). The decisive share of the sector of public electricity and heat production resided in emissions of sulphur dioxide (62.4 %), arsenic (60.9 %), nickel (63.4 %) and cadmium (60.9 %), and in the sector of iron and steel production in emissions of lead 38.7 %. The sector of road freight transport over 3.5 t, passenger car transport, off-road vehicles and other machines used in agriculture and forestry produced 39 % of nitrogen oxides emissions. The most significant sources of emissions of volatile organic compounds are found in the sector of organic solvent use and application, contributing to ambient air pollution caused by these pollutants with 47.6 %. The share of the main source of ammonia emissions – breeding of farm animals in total emissions amounted to 70.3 % (all data are for the year 2013).
The decrease in emissions from sources listed in Annex 2 of the Air Protection Act is also reflected in the collection of air pollution charges. For emissions of total suspended particles, SO2 and NOX, reported tolled emissions and corresponding charges decreased by 4 %, and in the case of VOC even by 9 % between 2013 and 2014.
With regard to the fact that the newly presented emission data are in many cases based on significantly innovated methods (e.g. structure of fuels and devices used in household heating, fleet of lorries, completion of specific groups of sources in the whole time series), the emissions data cannot be compared with data presented in previous yearbooks. What is important, however, is that the emission inventory data for the years 2000–2014 are for the first time processed using consistent methods. Although minor changes and specifications will be made in the upcoming period, the data presented since 2000 show an ongoing decreasing trend of air pollution levels in almost all sectors monitored pursuant to the international classification of sources (Chapter II).
As concerns precipitation, the year 2014 was slightly below the long-term normal. The average precipitation in the territory of the Czech Republic amounted to 657 mm, which is 97 % of the long-term normal for the period 1961–1990. In comparison with the year 2013 (727 mm), total precipitation was lower.
Wet sulphur deposition was lower compared to 2013. Since 1995 it was the second lowest value (after 2003). The highest values of wet sulphur deposition were reached in the mountainous areas (the Krušné hory Mts., the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts., the Jeseníky Mts., the Krkonoše Mts.).
Dry sulphur depositions increased in comparison with the year 2013.
Total sulphur deposition amounted to 50,148 t in the area of the Czech Republic; since the year 2007, its value varies around 50,000 t. The highest values are reached in the Krušné hory Mts. and in the Ostrava region.
Wet deposition of reduced (N/NH4+) and oxidized (N/NO3-) forms of nitrogen in the year 2014 decreased. The total wet deposition of nitrogen over the area of the Czech Republic amounted to 43,909 t.year-1.
Dry deposition of oxidized forms of nitrogen decreased slightly.
Total nitrogen deposition amounted to 64,931 t of nitrogen over the area of the Czech Republic.
Wet deposition of hydrogen ions in the year 2014 reached the lowest value since the beginning of the monitored period. This decrease of wet deposition was probably caused by lower annual precipitation totals compared to the year 2013.
Wet deposition of lead in the year 2014 remained at the same level as in 2013. The highest values were reached in the Krušné hory Mts, the Krkonoše Mts, the Hrubý Jeseník Mts. and the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. Dry depositon of lead in 2014 decreased compared to 2013.
Both wet and dry deposition of cadmium decreased in 2014. The most significant decrease of wet deposition was recorded at the locality U dvou louček in the Orlické hory Mts.
Wet deposition of nickel ions in 2014 increased. The highest values were recorded at the locality Pluhův bor. This was probably caused by the specific undersoil (serpentine) with high content of Ni and Mg. Large increases occurred at the localities Lesní potok, Litavka and Loukov.
Wet deposition of chloride ions increased (Chapter IX).
Fig. 1 Areas with exceeding of the health protection limit
values for selected groups of pollutants, 2014