HS |
FP |
Be |
4/26 |
10/10 |
Si |
0/16 |
S |
0/16 |
K |
0/16 |
Ca |
0/16 |
Ti |
0/16 |
0/9 |
V |
5/21 |
3/17 |
10/10 |
Cr |
5/21 |
71/83 |
10/10 |
Mn |
5/21 |
65/78 |
Fe |
5/21 |
6/12 |
10/10 |
Cu |
5/21 |
34/42 |
Zn |
0/16 |
34/63 |
Se |
5/21 |
Sb |
5/5 |
Pb208/206 |
5/5 |
Pb207/206 |
5/5 |
HNO3 |
3/3 |
NO3 |
3/3 |
NH4 |
3/3 |
H2S |
3/4 |
1/1 |
Explanatory notes
The fraction indicates the number of stations registered in the given year
/ the number of stations meeting the condition NSV = 20 days and MP = 66 %, where
NSV – the longest-lasting continuous failure in the given year
MP – minimum percentage of measurements in the given year