Tab. II.4.2.20 Stations measuring ammonia in the ambient air with the values of annual average and maximum 24-hour concentrations

KMPL  Locality  District Owner Measuring programme Measuring method  Classification  Max. 24-h concentration [μg.m-3]  Annual concentration[μg.m-3]
ULVSK Lovosice-MÚ Litoměřice komb. CHLM T/U/IRC 43.0 7.9
EPAUA Pardubice Dukla Pardubice ČHMÚ AMS CHLM B/U/R 21.0 4.8
UMOMA Most Most ČHMÚ AMS CHLM B/U/R 35.0 2.5
BMISA Mikulov-Sedlec Břeclav ČHMÚ AMS CHLM B/R/A-REG 8.6 1.3