Air pollution limit values

according to the Act no. 201/2012 Coll. on the air protection as amended and Decree no. 330/2012 Coll. on the method of assessing and evaluating the level of pollution, the scope of informing the publis about the level of ambient air pollution and during smog situations as amended

1. Air pollution limit values for the protection of health and the maximum number of exceedances

PollutantAveraging interval Assessment threshold
Limit value
Lower Upper
SO2 1 hour 350
max. 24x/year
24 hours 50
max. 3x/year
max. 3x/year
max. 3x/year
NO2 1 hour 100
max. 18x/year
max. 18x/year
max. 18x/year
calendar year 26 32 40
PM10 24 hours 25
max. 35x/year
max. 35x/year
max. 35x/year
calendar year 20 28 40
PM2.5 calendar year 12 17 20 (since 2020)*
Pb calendar year 0.25 0.35 0,5
CO max. daily 8-h running average 5 000 7 000 10 000
Benzene calendar year 2 3.5 5

*Air pollution limit value for PM2,5 applied since 2020, the limit value of 25 µg·m−3 was applied to 2019

The maximum daily eight-hour mean concentration shall be selected by examining eight-hour running averages, calculated from hourly data and updated each hour. Each eight-hour average so calculated shall be assigned to the day on which it ends. i.e. the first calculation period for any one day will be the period from 17:00 on the previous day to 01:00 on that day; the last calculation period for any one day will be the period from 16:00 to 24:00 on the day.


2. Air pollution limit values for the protection of ecosystems and vegetation

Pollutant Averaging interval Assessment threshold
Limit value
Lower Upper
SO2 year and winter period (1.10.-31.3.) 8 12 20
NOx calendar year 19.5 24 30


3. Air pollution limit values for the total content of pollutants in PM10 particles for the protection of human health

Pollutant Averaging interval Assessment threshold [ng·m−3] Limit value
Lower Upper
As calendar year 2.4 3.6 6
Cd calendar year 2 3 5
Ni calendar year 10 14 20
Benzo[a]pyrene calendar year 0.4 0.6 1

4. Air pollution limit values for ground-level ozone

Application Averaging interval Limit value Maximum number of exceedances
for the protection of health1) max. daily 8-h running average2) 120 µg·m−3 253)
for the protection of ecosystems and vegetation4) AOT405) 18 000 µg·m−3·h6) 0

1) Compliance with the air pollution limit is evaluated on the basis of the average for 3 calendar years.
2) The maximum daily eight-hour average concentration is determined by assessing eight-hour moving averages calculated from hourly data and updated every hour. Each eight-hour average is credited on the day on which it ends, i.e. the first calculation is made from hourly concentrations during the period 17:00 of the previous day and 01:00 of that day. The last calculation for a given day is performed for the period from 16:00 to 24:00.
3) If the limit value is complied with at the maximum number of exceedances in the zone or agglomeration, it is necessary to strive to achieve a zero number of exceedances.
4) Compliance with the limit value is evaluated on the basis of the average for 5 calendar years.
5) For the purposes of this Act, AOT40 means the sum of differences between hourly concentrations greater than 80 µg·m−3 (= 40 ppb) and 80 µg·m−3 in a given period using only hourly values measured each day between 08:00 and 20:00 CET, calculated from hourly values in summer (May 1 - July 31).
6) If the limit value in the zone or agglomeration of 18,000 µg·m−3·h is complied with, it is necessary to strive to reach the limit value of 6,000 µg·m−3·h.


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