Stations and air quality measurement methods registered in IIS-Air Quality Information System


Station :  916. Kosetice
Type of station : manual
pollutant method interval unit
SO2 sulphur dioxide THOR thorin spectrophotometry 24 h ug/m^3
NO2 nitrogen dioxide GUAJA guajacol (modif. Jakobs-Hochheiser) - spectrophotometry 24 h ug/m^3
SO4 sulphate - particles XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h ug/m^3
HNO3 nitric acid GRIES spectrophotometry with sulfanilamid and NEDA (Griess reaction) 24 h ug/m^3
NO3 nitrate - particles GRIES spectrophotometry with sulfanilamid and NEDA (Griess reaction) 24 h ug/m^3
NH4 ammonium particles BERTH Berthelot method - spectrophotometry 24 h ug/m^3
NH3 ammonia BERTH Berthelot method - spectrophotometry 24 h ug/m^3
CH4 methane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint mg/m^3
ETAN ethane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
ETEN ethene GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
PRPA propane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
PRPE propene GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
IBUT i-butane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
NBUT n-butane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
ACET acethylene GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
SBUT sum of butene GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
IPEN i-pentane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
NPEN n-pentane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
SPTN sum of pentene GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
MCPT methyl cyclopentane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
NHEX n- hexane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
CHEX cyclohexane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
NHEP n-heptane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
ISOP isoprene GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
BZN benzene GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
TLN toluene GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
EBZN ethylbenzene GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
MPXY m,p-xylene GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
OXY o-xylene GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
NONN nonane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
MP23 2+3 methylpentane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
MH23 2+3 methylhexane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
CP cyclopentane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
DMB22 2,2-dimethylbutane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
DMB23 2,3 dimethylbutane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
MHP23 2+3 methylheptane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
I_OKT i-octane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
N_OKT n-octane GCH-VOC gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds 10 min/3 dint ug/m^3
Station : 1138. Kosetice
Measuring program: EMEP+EUROAIRNET+GAW
Type of station : AMS
pollutant method interval unit
SO2 sulphur dioxide UVFL UV-fluorescence 30 min ug/m^3
NO nitrogen monoxide CHLM chemiluminescence 30 min ug/m^3
NO2 nitrogen dioxide CHLM chemiluminescence 30 min ug/m^3
CO carbon monoxide IRABS IR corel. absorption spectrometry 30 min ug/m^3
O3 ozone UVABS UV-absorption 30 min ug/m^3
NOx nitrogen oxides(oxides of nitrogen) CHLM chemiluminescence 30 min ug/m^3
PM10 PM 10 particulate matter 10 RADIO radiometry - beta ray absorption 30 min ug/m^3
p atmospheric pressure APRESS atmospheric pressure measurement 30 min hPa
T temperature (unspecificated) PT100 resistance method 30 min K
Station : 1176. Kosetice-HM
Measuring program: EUROAIRNET
Type of station : HM-aerosol
pollutant method interval unit
SPM suspended particulate matter GRV gravimetry 24 h ug/m^3
SPM suspended particulate matter GRV gravimetry 24 h/3 dint ug/m^3
Na sodium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Mg magnesium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Al aluminium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Si silicon XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
P phosphorus XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
S sulfur XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Cl chlorine XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
K potassium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Ca calcium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Sc scandium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Ti titanium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
V vanadium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Cr chromium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Mn manganese XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Fe iron XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Co cobalt XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Ni nickel XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Cu copper XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Zn zinc XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Ga gallium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Ge germanium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
As arsenic XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Se selenium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Br bromine XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Rb rubidium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Sr strontium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Y yttrium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Zr zirconium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Mo molybdenum XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Rh rhodium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Pd palladium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Ag silver XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Cd cadmium AAS atomic absorption spectrometry 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Cd cadmium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Sn tin XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Sb antimony XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Te tellurium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
I iodine XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Cs cesium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Ba barium XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
La lanthanum XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
W wolfram XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Au gold XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Hg mercury XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Pb lead AAS atomic absorption spectrometry 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Pb lead XRF X-ray fluorescence 24 h/6 dint ng/m^3
Station : 1436. Kosetice
Type of station : manual
pollutant method interval unit
PAHs polycyclic aromatic hydreocarbons - PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
PAHs polycyclic aromatic hydreocarbons - PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
PAHs polycyclic aromatic hydreocarbons - QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
BaA benzo(a)anthracene PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
BaA benzo(a)anthracene PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
BaA benzo(a)anthracene QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
BbF benzo(b)fluoranthene PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
BbF benzo(b)fluoranthene PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
BbF benzo(b)fluoranthene QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
BaP benzo(a)pyrene PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
BaP benzo(a)pyrene PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
BaP benzo(a)pyrene QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
FLU fluoralithene PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
FLU fluoralithene PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
FLU fluoralithene QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
PYR pyrene PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
PYR pyrene PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
PYR pyrene QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
CRY chrysene PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
CRY chrysene PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
CRY chrysene QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
BkF benzo(k)fluoranthene PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
BkF benzo(k)fluoranthene PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
BkF benzo(k)fluoranthene QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
I123cdP ideno(1,2,3,-cd) pyrene PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
I123cdP ideno(1,2,3,-cd) pyrene PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
I123cdP ideno(1,2,3,-cd) pyrene QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
DBahA dibenzo(a,h)anthracene PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
DBahA dibenzo(a,h)anthracene PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
DBahA dibenzo(a,h)anthracene QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
BghiPRL benzo(g,h,i) perylene PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
BghiPRL benzo(g,h,i) perylene PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
BghiPRL benzo(g,h,i) perylene QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
PCB28 PCB28 PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB28 PCB28 PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB28 PCB28 QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB52 PCB52 PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB52 PCB52 PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB52 PCB52 QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB101 PCB101 PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB101 PCB101 PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB101 PCB101 QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB118 PCB118 PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB118 PCB118 PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB118 PCB118 QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB138 PCB138 PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB138 PCB138 PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB138 PCB138 QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB153 PCB153 PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB153 PCB153 PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB153 PCB153 QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB180 PCB180 PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB180 PCB180 PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
PCB180 PCB180 QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
N naphtalene PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
N naphtalene PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
N naphtalene QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
Acl acenaphthylene PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
Acl acenaphthylene PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
Acl acenaphthylene QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
Ac acenaphthene PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
Ac acenaphthene PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
Ac acenaphthene QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
Fl fluorene PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
Fl fluorene PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
Fl fluorene QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
FEN phenanthrene PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
FEN phenanthrene PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
FEN phenanthrene QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
A anthracene PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
A anthracene PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
A anthracene QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint ng/m^3
alpha_HCH alpha-HCH PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
alpha_HCH alpha-HCH PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
alpha_HCH alpha-HCH QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
beta_HCH beta-HCH PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
beta_HCH beta-HCH PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
beta_HCH beta-HCH QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
gamma_HCH gamma-HCH PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
gamma_HCH gamma-HCH PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
gamma_HCH gamma-HCH QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
delta_HCH delta-HCH PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
delta_HCH delta-HCH PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
delta_HCH delta-HCH QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
HCB hexachlorbenzene PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
HCB hexachlorbenzene PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
HCB hexachlorbenzene QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
pp_DDE p,p'-DDE PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
pp_DDE p,p'-DDE PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
pp_DDE p,p'-DDE QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
pp_DDD p,p'-DDD PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
pp_DDD p,p'-DDD PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
pp_DDD p,p'-DDD QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
pp_DDT p,p'-DDT PUF+QUARTZ PUF+QUARTZ 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
pp_DDT p,p'-DDT PUF-GCH PUF-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3
pp_DDT p,p'-DDT QUARTZ-GCH QUARTZ-gas chromatography 24 h/7 dint pg/m^3


Station :  1149. Dobesov
Type of station : manual
pollutant method interval unit
SO2 sulphur dioxide WGAE West-Gaeke spectrophotometry 24 h ug/m^3
NOx nitrogen oxides(oxides of nitrogen) GUAJA guajacol (modif. Jakobs-Hochheiser) - spectrophotometry 24 h ug/m^3


Station :  1421. Humpolec
Type of station : manual
pollutant method interval unit
SO2 sulphur dioxide WGAE West-Gaeke spectrophotometry 24 h ug/m^3


Station :  1310. Lukavec
Type of station : manual
pollutant method interval unit
SO2 sulphur dioxide WGAE West-Gaeke spectrophotometry 24 h ug/m^3


Station :  1298. Pelhrimov
Type of station : manual
pollutant method interval unit
SO2 sulphur dioxide WGAE West-Gaeke spectrophotometry 24 h ug/m^3