Abbreviation Organization
ČEZ | ČEZ Inc.
| ČGS | Czech Geological Survey
| ČHMÚ / CHMI | Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
| Ekx | Ekotoxa
| HBÚ AV ČR | Hydrobiological Institute AS CR
| HS | Public Health Service
| IFER | Institute for Forest Ecosystems Research
| IMGW | Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Wroclaw, Poland
| LfUG | Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie Dresden, Germany
| MPl | Plzeň City
| MÚHo | Municipal Authority of the town Hodonín
| MÚOl | Municipal Authority of the town Olomouc
| MÚPa | Municipal Authority of the town Pardubice
| MÚTř | Municipal Authority of the town Třinec
| MÚVs | Municipal Authority of the town Vsetín
| MÚZl | Municipal Authority of the town Zlín
| OÚ u | District Authority in umperk
| PIOS | State Inspectorate for Environmental Protection, Poland
| SZÚ | National Health Institute
| VÚLHM | Forest Management and Gamekeeping Research Institute
| VÚLHMO | VULHM - Opočno
| VÚRV | Research Institute of Plant Production
| VÚV | Water Management Research Institute T.G.M.
Abbreviation Measure Substance / Quantity
A | anthracene
| Ac | acenaphthene
| ACET | acethylene
| Acl | acenaphthylene
| Al | aluminium
| alpha-HCH | alpha-HCH
| As | arsenic
| BaA | benzo(a)anthracene
| BaP | benzo(a)pyrene
| BbF | benzo(b)fluoranthene
| Be | beryllium
| beta-HCH | beta-HCH
| BghiPRL | benzo(g,h,i) perylene
| BkF | benzo(k)fluoranthene
| Br | bromine
| BZN | benzene
| Ca | calcium
| CCl4 | tetrachlormethane, carbontetrachlor
| Cd | cadmium
| CH4 | methane
| CHEX | cyclohexane
| Cl | chlorine
| CLB | chlorbenzene
| CM | chloromethane
| CO | carbon monoxide
| Co | cobalt
| CP | cyclopentane
| Cr | chromium
| CRY | chrysene
| Cu | copper
| DBahA | dibenzo(a,h)anthracene
| DCLs | sum of dichlorbenzenes
| DCM | dichlormethane
| delta-HCH | delta-HCH
| DMB22 | 2,2-dimethylbutane
| DMB23 | 2,3-dimethylbutane
| EBZN | ethylbenzene
| ETAN | ethane
| ETEN | ethene
| F11 | Freon 11
| F12 | Freon 12
| D113 | Freon 113
| Fe | iron
| FEN | phenanthrene
| Fl | fluorene
| FLU | fluoranthene
| gamma-HCH | gamma-HCH
| GLRD | global radiation
| h | relative air humidity
| H2S | hydrogen sulfide
| HCB | hexachlorbenzene
| HCH | hexachlorcyclohexane
| Hg | mercury
| HNO3 | nitric acid
| I_OKT | i-octane
| I123cdP | ideno(1,2,3,-cd) pyrene
| IBUT | i-butane
| IPEN | i-pentane
| ISOP | isoprene
| K | potassium
| MCPT | methyl cyclopentane
| Mg | magnesium
| MH23 | 2+3 methylhexane
| MHP23 | 2+3 methylheptane
| Mn | manganese
| MP23 | 2+3 methylpentane
| MPXY | m,p-xylene
| MXY | m-xylene
| N | naphtalene
| N_OKT | n-octane
| Na | sodium
| NBUT | n-butane
| NH3 | ammonia
| NH4 | ammonium particles
| NHEP | n-heptane
| NHEX | n-hexane
| Ni | nickel
| NO | nitrogen monoxide
| NO2 | nitrogen dioxide
| NO3 | nitrate - particles
| NONN | nonane
| NOx | nitrogen oxides
| NPEN | n-pentane
| O3 | ozone
| OXY | o-xylene
| p | atmospheric pressure
| PAHs | polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - sum
| PAHs_TEQ | toxic equivalent of sum PAHs
| Pb | lead
| Pb207/206 | isotopic ratio 207Pb/206Pb
| Pb208/206 | isotopic ratio 208Pb/206Pb
| PCB28 | PCB28
| PCB52 | PCB52
| PCB101 | PCB101
| PCB118 | PCB118
| PCB138 | PCB138
| PCB153 | PCB153
| PCB180 | PCB180
| PCBs | polychlorinated biphenyls - sum
| PM10 | PM 10
| pp-DDD | p,p'-DDD
| pp-DDE | p,p'-DDE
| pp-DDT | p,p'-DDT
| PRPA | propane
| PRPE | propene
| PXY | p- xylene
| PYR | pyrene
| RAIN | precipitation amount
| Rb | rubidium
| S | sulphur
| Sb | antimony
| SBUT | sum of butene
| Se | selenium
| Si | silicon
| SO2 | sulphur dioxide
| SO4 | sulphate - particles
| SPM | suspended particulate matter
| SPTN | sum of pentene
| Sr | strontium
| STYR | styrene
| T | temperature (unspecified)
| T10m | temperature 10 m above terrain
| T2m | temperature 2 m above terrain
| TCE | trichlorethane
| TCL | trichlormethane
| TCM | trichlorethylene
| TECE | tetrachlorethylene
| Ti | titanium
| TLN | toluene
| TMBs | sum of trimethylbenzenes
| V | vanadium
| WD | wind direction
| WROSE | wind rose
| WV | wind velocity
| XYs | sum of xylens
| Zn | zinc
Abbreviation Method
AAS | atomic absorption spectrometry
| AFS | low-temperature gas atomic fluorescence spectrometry
| APRESS | atmospheric pressure measurement
| BERTH | Berthelot method - spectrophotometry
| CAP | capacitance sensor
| CLM | coulometry
| ELMAG | electromagnetic method
| FUCEL | el. fuel cell
| GCH-FID | gas chromatography - flame-ionization detection
| GCH-MS | gas chromatography - mass detection (for PAH)
| GCH-PID | gas chromatography - photo-ionization detection
| GCH-VOC | gas chromatography - volatile org. compounds
| GRV | gravimetry
| GUAJA | guajacol (modif. Jakobs-Hochheiser) method - spectrophotometry
| HAIR | hair hygrometer
| HPLC | high pressure liquid chromatography
| CHLM | chemiluminescence
| IC | iont chromatography
| ICP-AES | inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectrometry
| ICP-MS | inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry
| IRABS | IR corel. absorption spectrometry
| OPEL | optoelectronic method
| PLRG | polarography
| PT100 | resistance method
| PUF-GCH | PUF - gas chromatography
| QUARTZ-GCH | QUARTZ - gas chromatography
| RADIO | radiometry - beta ray absorption
| RAIN | standard rain gauge
| SKIN | animal skin
| SONIC | measuring of the propagation of the short, wind-borne pulses of ultrasonic sound in three perpendicular directions
| SP-H2S | spectrophotometry for H2S
| TDM | temperature difference method
| TEOM | tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM)
| TLAM | triethanolamine spectophotometry
| U-SONIC | ultrasonic anemometer
| UVABS | UV absorption
| UVFL | UV fluorescence
| WGAE | spectrophotometry with TCM and fuchsin (West-Gaeke)
| XRF | X-ray fluorescence
Abbreviation Description
10 min/3 dint | 10-minutes sample twice a week at 12:00
| 30 min | measured half-hour concentration
| 24h | measured average daily concentration
| 24 h/3 dint | measured 24 h sample once in 3 days
| 24 h/5 dint | measured 24 h sample once in 5 days
| 24 h/6 dint | measured 24 h sample once in 6 days
| 24 h/7 dint | measured 24 h sample once in 7 days
| 7 d | measured weekly concentration
| 7 d/ 1 mint | measured weekly concentration once in a month
| 14 d | measured 14-day concentration
| 14 d/1 mint | measured 14-day concentration once in a month
| 14 d/1 qint | measured 14-day concentration once in a quarter
| 7 d/1 qint | measured weekly concentration once in a quarter
Abbreviation Description
4MV, 19MV, 25MV, 36MV | 4th, 19th, 25th, 36th highest value in a calendar year for the given time interval
| 50%kv | 50th percentile
| 90%kv | 90th percentile
| 95%kv | 95th percentile
| 98%kv | 98th percentile
| AIM | automated air pollution monitoring
| AMS | automated monitoring station
| C1q, C2q, C3g, C4q | number of values from which the arithmetic average is calculated for the given quarter
| cond | measured sample conductivity
| č.p. | absolute frequency of exceedence of IHd
| č.p.% | relative frequency of exceedence of IHd
| DAT. | date of occurrence of MAX.
| dv | length of the longest continuous failure
| IH8h | average eight-hour pollutant concentration; average eight-hour concentration is understood to be the mean value of concentration, as determined at a given site over a time period of eight hours
| IHd | average daily pollutant concentration; average concentration is understood to be the mean value of concentration, determined at a given site over a time period of 24 hours. Average daily concentration is also understood to be the mean value of at least twelve evenly distributed measurements of average half-hour concentrations over a time period of 24 hours (arithmetic mean).
| IHk | average half-hour pollutant concentration; average half-hour concentration is understood to be the mean value of concentration as determined at a given site over a time period of 30 minutes
| IHr | average annual pollutant concentration; average concentration is understood to be the mean value of concentration, determined at a given site over a time period of one year as the arithmetic mean of average 24-hour concentrations
| LV | limit value
| MAX. | daily maximum for the year
| MAX8h | daily maximum for the year for ozone in the time period 9.00 - 17.00 h. UTC
| mc | monthly measurement frequency
| MT | margin of tolerance
| N | number of measurements in the year
| pLV | LV exceedance
| pMT | LV+MT exceedance
| rain | precipitation amount measured by the standard method directly at the sampling site or at a station that can be meteorologically considered to be representative for the given site
| S | standard deviation
| SG | standard geometric deviation
| SRS | information, alert and control system
| TE | permitted number of exceedances
| VoL | Number of LV exceedences
| VoM | Number of LV+MT exceedences
| X | annual arithmetic average
| X1q, X2q, X3q, X4q | Quarterly arithmetic average
| XG | Annual geometric average
| Xm | Monthly arithmetic average
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