Stations with maximum annual arithmetic means - health protection

Region: Jihocesky

Year: 2002
Pollutant: NO2-nitrogen dioxide
Unit: ug/m^3
Limit value (LV): 40
Margin of tolerance (MT): 16
Limit value+Margin of tolerance (LV+MT): 56.0

No of stations with exceedence of limit + margin of tolerance (LV+MT): 0
on the whole number of stations: 4
in percent: 0.0%

No of stations with exceedence of limit (LV): 0
in percent: 0.0%

No. Indet number. Name of Station Code District Institution Type os Station Measurement Method Classification Annual Mean
1.1193Ces. Budejovice-Tresn.CZCBHSCBTCeske BudejovicePublic Health ServiceAMS-HMCHLMB/U/R
2.1225PrachaticeCZPTHSPKTPrachaticePublic Health ServiceAMSCHLMB/S/R
3.1103Hojna VodaCZCBCMHOVCeske BudejoviceCzech Hydrometeorological InstituteAMSCHLMB/R/N
4.1102ChuranovCZPTCMCHUPrachaticeCzech Hydrometeorological InstituteAMSCHLMB/R/N