in the year: 2002

Basic data
Station number: 619
Station name: Svratouch
Station type: stacionary - manual
District: Chrudim
Institution: Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
Laboratory address
ČHMÚ - Libuš CLI
Ing. Jiří Novák
Kolarovova 942
142 00 Praha 4-Libuš
Tel: 241727935
Fax: 241727935
Impeachable worker address
ČHMÚ - Libuš CLI
Ing. Eva Chalupníčková
Kolarovova 942
142 00 Praha 4 - Libuš
Tel: 244033480
Fax: 241727935
Geographics coordinates:latitude: 49° 44' 7" ;   longitude: 16° 2' 10"
Altitude: 737 m
Expletory data of station
Landscape: Upload platform area (peak, ridge) in terrain of declination up to 10%
Scenery: Agricultural land (Arable land predominates.)
Representative: Regional and global scale (hundreds to thousands km)
Purpose: Evaluation of total level of concentrations background
Verbal description placing
2 samostatné budky na travnaté ploše 5m od budovy.
Date of establishment station: 01-04-1979 Date of termination station:
Begin date
End date
SO2 (sulphur dioxide) THOR (thorin spectrophotometry)ug/m^3 24 h 01-01-198430-06-2000
SO2 (sulphur dioxide) IC (iont chromatography)ug/m^3 24 h 01-07-2000
NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) GUAJA (guajacol (modif. Jakobs-Hochheiser) - spectrophotometry)ug/m^3 24 h 01-07-1997
O3 (ozone) UVABS (UV-absorption)ug/m^3 1 h 01-01-199231-10-1994
SO4 (sulphate - particles) XRF (X-ray fluorescence)ug/m^3 24 h 01-01-198831-12-1998
NOx (nitrogen oxides(oxides of nitrogen)) GUAJA (guajacol (modif. Jakobs-Hochheiser) - spectrophotometry)ug/m^3 24 h 01-01-198430-06-1997
HNO3 (nitric acid) GRIES (spectrophotometry with sulfanilamid and NEDA (Griess reaction))ug/m^3 24 h 01-01-199031-12-2001
NO3 (nitrate - particles) GRIES (spectrophotometry with sulfanilamid and NEDA (Griess reaction))ug/m^3 24 h 01-01-199031-12-2001
NH4 (ammonium particles) BERTH (Berthelot method - spectrophotometry)ug/m^3 24 h 01-01-199031-12-2001
NH3 (ammonia) BERTH (Berthelot method - spectrophotometry)ug/m^3 24 h 01-01-199031-12-2001
SNO3 (sum of nitrate ions) HPLC (high pressure liquid chromatography)ug/m^3 24 h 01-01-2002
SNH4 (sum of ammonium ions) BERTH (Berthelot method - spectrophotometry)ug/m^3 24 h 01-01-2002