in the year: 2002

Basic data
Station number: 1321
Station name: Plzen-stred
Station type: stacionary - AMS
District: Plzeň-město
Institution: Plzen City
Laboratory address
ČHMÚ - pob. Plzeň
Ing. Zdeněk Roubal
Denisovo nábřeží 14
301 50 Plzeň
Tel: 377240362
Fax: 377237444
Impeachable worker address
ČHMÚ - pob. Plzeň
Ing. Tomáš Fory
Malostranská 1
307 07 Plzeň
Tel: 377240362
Fax: 377455521
Geographics coordinates:latitude: 49° 44' 52" ;   longitude: 13° 22' 59"
Altitude: 306 m
Expletory data of station
Landscape: The ground of an open, aerated valley
Scenery: Administrative, commercial built-up area, housing units
Representative: Middle scale (100-500 m)
Purpose: Evaluation of concentration in urban areas
Verbal description placing
V přízemním zděném objektu na rozhraní parku a historické zástavby. Od- běrové sondy jsou umístěné na střeše objektu.
Date of establishment station: 01-01-1996 Date of termination station:
Begin date
End date
SO2 (sulphur dioxide) UVFL (UV-fluorescence)ug/m^3 30 min 01-01-1996
NO (nitrogen monoxide) CHLM (chemiluminescence)ug/m^3 30 min 01-01-1996
NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) CHLM (chemiluminescence)ug/m^3 30 min 01-01-1996
CO (carbon monoxide) IRABS (IR corel. absorption spectrometry)ug/m^3 30 min 01-01-1996
NOx (nitrogen oxides(oxides of nitrogen)) CHLM (chemiluminescence)ug/m^3 30 min 01-01-1996
PM10 (PM 10 particulate matter 10) RADIO (radiometry - beta ray absorption)ug/m^3 30 min 01-01-1996
h (relative air humidity (h. of air)) CAP (capacitance sensor)% 30 min 01-01-1996
T2m (temperature 2m above terrain) PT100 (resistance method)K 30 min 01-01-1996