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KPRE, Prebuz

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Situation in the year: 2003

Basic data
Locality code: KPRE
Name: Prebuz
State: Česká republika
Owner: Forest Management and gemekeeping Res.
Basic administrative unit: Přebuz
Administrator VÚLHM

Ing.Vít Šrámek     
15604  Jíloviště Strnady
Tel: 257921276
Fax: 257921444
E-mail: sramek@vulhm.cz
Coordinates: 50° 21' 53,00 " North latitude ; 12° 37' 10,00 " East longitude
Altitude: 900 m
Supplementary data
Terrain: Upload platform area (peak, ridge) in terrain of declination up to 10%
Landscape: Scarce low-storeyed built-up area (village, residental area)
Representativeness: Local (Regional) scale (ten to hundreds km)
Vesnice - budova.
List of measuring programmes:
Code Type
KPREM Manual measuring program
Establishment and termination of the measuring site
Date of establishment: 01.01.1971 Date of termination:

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