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SBNS, Benesov-Sporilov

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Situation in the year: 2003

Basic data
Locality code: SBNS
Name: Benesov-Sporilov
State: Česká republika
Owner: Public Health Service
Basic administrative unit: Benešov
Administrator ZÚ se sídlem v Kolíně-hyg.labor.
Černoleská 2053
25655  Benešov
Tel: 317784026
Fax: 317784026
E-mail: ohsbn.lab@sendme.cz
Coordinates: 49° 47' 11,00 " North latitude ; 14° 41' 32,00 " East longitude
Altitude: 342 m
Supplementary data
Terrain: The upper or the middle of a sharp slope (above 8%)
Landscape: Poly-storeyed built-up area (housing estates of the recent decades)
Representativeness: Middle scale (100-500 m)
Stanice je umístěna ve středu města.
List of measuring programmes:
Code Type
SBNST Heavy metal
Establishment and termination of the measuring site
Date of establishment: 01.02.1979 Date of termination:

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