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CCHUA, Churanov

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Situation in the year: 2003

Basic data
Code of the measuring programme in the given locality: CCHUA
Old ISKO number: 1102
Locality: Churanov
Type of measuring programme: Automated measuring program
Measuring networks: EUROAIRNET 
Administrator ČHMÚ - pob. Plzeň
Malostranská 1
Ing. Tomáš Fory     
30707  Plzeň
E-mail: fory@chmi.cz
Data supplier ČHMÚ - pob. Plzeň
Malostranská 1
Ing. Jan Hadinger     
30707  Plzeň
Tel: 377240362
Fax: 377455521
E-mail: hadinger@chmi.cz
Supplementary data
Target of the measurement programme: Evalution of total level of concentrations beckground
Place description
Kontejner umístěn v areálu profesionální meteorologické stanice, asi 20m severovýchodně od budovy.
Lab. = Laboratory, A = authorization, R = data available in the real time regime, Par. = parallel measurement
Lab. Component Method Unit A R Par. Interval Date of start Date of end
1 NO [nitrogen monoxide] CHLM [chemiluminescence] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 20.01.1994  
1 NOx [nitrogen oxides(oxides of nitrogen)] CHLM [chemiluminescence] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 20.01.1994  
1 NO2 [nitrogen dioxide] CHLM [chemiluminescence] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 20.01.1994  
1 NO2 [nitrogen dioxide] PD [passive sampler] µg/m3 Yes No 0 14d 29.07.2003  
1 O3 [ozone] UVABS [UV-absorption] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 23.05.1995  
1 PM10 [suspended particles (PM10 fraction)] RADIO [radiometry - beta ray absorption] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 24.10.1995  
1 SO2 [sulphur dioxide] UVFL [UV-fluorescence] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 20.01.1994  
1 SO2 [sulphur dioxide] PD [passive sampler] µg/m3 Yes No 0 14d 29.07.2003  
1 SPM [suspended particulate matter] RADIO [radiometry - beta ray absorption] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 20.01.1994 23.10.1995 
List of laboratories
Laboratory number 1ČHMÚ - pob. Plzeň

Ing. Tomáš Fory
30150  Plzeň
Tel: 377240362
Fax: 377237444
E-mail: fory@chmi.cz
