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URVHA, Rudolice v Horach

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Situation in the year: 2003

Basic data
Code of the measuring programme in the given locality: URVHA
Old ISKO number: 1317
Locality: Rudolice v Horach
Type of measuring programme: Automated measuring program
Measuring networks: EUROAIRNET, Black triangle 
Administrator ČHMÚ-pobočka Ústí n/Labem
Pošt. přihrádka 2
Ing.Abraham Jan     
40011  Ústí n/Labem
E-mail: abraham@chmi.cz
Data supplier ČHMÚ-pobočka Ústí n/Labem-AIM
Pošt. přihrádka 2
Ing.Bitter Miroslav     
40011  Ústí n/Labem
Tel: 472706053
Fax: 472706024
E-mail: bitter@chmi.cz
Supplementary data
Target of the measurement programme: Evaluation of the highest air pollutant concentration in a given area
Place description
Náhorní rovina, otevřená krajina, mimo obydlenou obec, travnatý povrch.
Lab. = Laboratory, A = authorization, R = data available in the real time regime, Par. = parallel measurement
Lab. Component Method Unit A R Par. Interval Date of start Date of end
1 BZN [benzene] GCH-FID [gas chromatography - flame-ionization detection] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 30.10.2001  
1 EBZN [ethylbenzene] GCH-FID [gas chromatography - flame-ionization detection] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 30.10.2001  
1 GLRD [global radiation] TDM [temperature difference method] W/m2 Yes No 0 30min 04.03.1997  
1 h [relative air humidity (h. of air)] CAP [capacitance sensor] % Yes No 0 30min 04.03.1997  
1 MXY [m-xylene] GCH-FID [gas chromatography - flame-ionization detection] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 30.10.2001  
1 NO [nitrogen monoxide] CHLM [chemiluminescence] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 06.10.1995  
1 NOx [nitrogen oxides(oxides of nitrogen)] CHLM [chemiluminescence] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 06.10.1995  
1 NO2 [nitrogen dioxide] CHLM [chemiluminescence] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 06.10.1995  
1 OXY [o-xylene] GCH-FID [gas chromatography - flame-ionization detection] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 30.10.2001  
1 O3 [ozone] UVABS [UV-absorption] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 06.10.1995  
1 PM10 [suspended particles (PM10 fraction)] RADIO [radiometry - beta ray absorption] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 20.10.1995  
1 PXY [p-xylene] GCH-FID [gas chromatography - flame-ionization detection] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 30.10.2001  
1 RAIN [precipitation amount (rain am.)] RAIN [standard rain gauge] mm Yes No 0 30min 01.04.1998  
1 SO2 [sulphur dioxide] UVFL [UV-fluorescence] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 06.10.1995  
1 SPM [suspended particulate matter] RADIO [radiometry - beta ray absorption] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 06.10.1995 19.10.1995 
1 TLN [toluene] GCH-FID [gas chromatography - flame-ionization detection] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 30.10.2001  
1 T2m [temperature 2m above terrain] PT100 [resistance method] K Yes No 0 30min 04.03.1997  
1 WD [wind direction] OPEL [optoelectronic method] deg Yes No 0 30min 20.05.1996  
1 WV [wind velocity] OPEL [optoelectronic method] m/s Yes No 0 30min 20.05.1996  
List of laboratories
Laboratory number 1ČHMÚ-pobočka Ústi n/Labem

Ing.Plachá Helena
40011  Ústi n/Labem
Tel: 472706057
Fax: 472706024
E-mail: placha@chmi.cz
