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EKACA, Kasalicky

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Situation in the year: 2004

Basic data
Code of the measuring programme in the given locality: EKACA
Old ISKO number: 1284
Locality: Kasalicky
Type of measuring programme: Automated measuring program
Measuring networks:  
Administrator ČHMÚ - pob. Hradec Králové-AIM
Dvorská 410
Ing.Rostislav Jireš     
50311  Hradec Králové
E-mail: jires@chmi.cz
Data supplier ČHMÚ - pob.Hradec Králové
Dvorská 410
Ing.Antalík Josef     
50311  Hradec Králové
Tel: 495436164
Fax: 495436175
E-mail: josef.antalik@chmi.cz
Supplementary data
Target of the measurement programme: Evaluation of the significant sources effect on air pollution level
Place description
Stanice je umístěna na vyvýšině Bělská, severně od stanice je údolí. Vesnice Kasaličky je vzdálená cca 200m. Vliv elektrárny Chvaletice se projeví při JZ proudění - okolí ECH.
Lab. = Laboratory, A = authorization, R = data available in the real time regime, Par. = parallel measurement
Lab. Component Method Unit A R Par. Interval Date of start Date of end
1 NO [nitrogen monoxide] CHLM [chemiluminescence] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 30min 31.03.1995 30.09.2004 
1 NOx [nitrogen oxides(oxides of nitrogen)] CHLM [chemiluminescence] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 30min 31.03.1995 30.09.2004 
1 NO2 [nitrogen dioxide] CHLM [chemiluminescence] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 30min 31.03.1995 30.09.2004 
1 SO2 [sulphur dioxide] UVFL [UV-fluorescence] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 30min 31.03.1995 30.09.2004 
1 T [temperature (unspecificated)] PT100 [resistance method] K Yes Yes 0 30min 31.03.1995 31.12.1998 
1 T2m [temperature 2m above terrain] PT100 [resistance method] K Yes Yes 0 30min 01.01.1999 30.09.2004 
1 WD [wind direction] OPEL [optoelectronic method] deg Yes Yes 0 30min 31.03.1995 25.04.2001 
1 WD [wind direction] U-SONIC [ultrasonic anemometer] deg Yes Yes 0 30min 26.04.2001 30.09.2004 
1 WV [wind velocity] OPEL [optoelectronic method] m/s Yes Yes 0 30min 31.03.1995 25.04.2001 
1 WV [wind velocity] U-SONIC [ultrasonic anemometer] m/s Yes Yes 0 30min 26.04.2001 30.09.2004 


List of laboratories
Laboratory number 1 ČHMÚ - pob.Hradec Králové
Dvorská 410
Ing. Antalík Josef     
50311  Hradec Králové
Tel: 495436164
Fax: 495436175
E-mail: josef.antalik@chmi.cz

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