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JZNZK, Zdar nad Sazavou

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Situation in the year: 2004

Basic data
Code of the measuring programme in the given locality: JZNZK
Old ISKO number: 1196
Locality: Zdar nad Sazavou
Type of measuring programme: Combination measuring program
Measuring networks:  
Administrator ZÚ se sídlem v Jihlavě-centr.lab.Jihlava
Vrchlického 57
58725  Jihlava
E-mail: labor@zujih
Data supplier ZÚ se sídlem v Jihlavě
Hutařova 1
59134  Žďár n.S.
Tel: 566650862
Fax: 566650821
Supplementary data
Target of the measurement programme: Evalution of total level of concentrations beckground
Place description
Parkoviště za obchodním domem ALBERT v centru města. Měřící skříň je situována meyi MK na okraji parkovací plochy. Y jedné strany je zast. plocha administrativní budovami a veřejnými. Na protilehlé straně je yelená plocha před poliklinikou. Vícepodlažní zástavba obytných bloku je cca 150-200m.
Lab. = Laboratory, A = authorization, R = data available in the real time regime, Par. = parallel measurement
Lab. Component Method Unit A R Par. Interval Date of start Date of end
1 A [anthracene] HPLC [high pressure liquid chromatography] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d/6d 01.01.1997  
1 As [arsenic] AAS [atomic absorption spectrometry] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 7d 01.01.1996 30.06.1997 
1 As [arsenic] AAS [atomic absorption spectrometry] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 14d 01.07.1997  
1 BaA [benzo(a)anthracene] HPLC [high pressure liquid chromatography] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d/6d 01.01.1997  
1 BaP [benzo(a)pyrene] HPLC [high pressure liquid chromatography] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d/6d 01.01.1997  
1 BbF [benzo(b)fluoranthene] HPLC [high pressure liquid chromatography] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d/6d 01.01.1997  
1 BghiPRL [benzo(g,h,i) perylene] HPLC [high pressure liquid chromatography] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d/6d 01.01.1997  
1 BkF [benzo(k)fluoranthene] HPLC [high pressure liquid chromatography] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d/6d 01.01.1997  
1 Cd [cadmium] AAS [atomic absorption spectrometry] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 7d 01.01.1996 30.06.1997 
1 Cd [cadmium] AAS [atomic absorption spectrometry] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 14d 01.07.1997  
1 Cr [chromium] AAS [atomic absorption spectrometry] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 7d 01.01.1996 30.06.1997 
1 Cr [chromium] AAS [atomic absorption spectrometry] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 14d 01.07.1997  
1 CRY [chrysene] HPLC [high pressure liquid chromatography] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d/6d 01.01.1997  
1 DBahA [dibenzo(a,h)anthracene] HPLC [high pressure liquid chromatography] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d/6d 01.01.1997  
1 FEN [phenanthrene] HPLC [high pressure liquid chromatography] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d/6d 01.01.1997  
1 FLU [fluoralithene] HPLC [high pressure liquid chromatography] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d/6d 01.01.1997  
1 I123cdP [ideno(1,2,3,-cd) pyrene] HPLC [high pressure liquid chromatography] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d/6d 01.01.1997  
1 Mn [manganese] AAS [atomic absorption spectrometry] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 14d 01.01.2000  
1 Ni [nickel] AAS [atomic absorption spectrometry] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 7d 01.01.1996 30.06.1997 
1 Ni [nickel] AAS [atomic absorption spectrometry] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 14d 01.07.1997  
1 NO [nitrogen monoxide] CHLM [chemiluminescence] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 01.02.1994  
1 NOx [nitrogen oxides(oxides of nitrogen)] CHLM [chemiluminescence] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 01.02.1994  
1 NO2 [nitrogen dioxide] CHLM [chemiluminescence] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 01.02.1994  
1 O3 [ozone] UVABS [UV-absorption] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 01.02.1994  
1 PAHs [polycyclic aromatic hydreocarbons -] HPLC [high pressure liquid chromatography] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d/6d 01.01.1999  
1 PAHs_TEQ [toxic equivalent of sum PAHs] HPLC [high pressure liquid chromatography] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d/6d 01.01.1999  
1 Pb [lead] AAS [atomic absorption spectrometry] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 7d 01.01.1996 30.06.1997 
1 Pb [lead] AAS [atomic absorption spectrometry] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 14d 01.07.1997  
1 PM10 [suspended particles (PM10 fraction)] TEOM [tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM)] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 01.02.1994  
1 PYR [pyrene] HPLC [high pressure liquid chromatography] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d/6d 01.01.1997  
1 SO2 [sulphur dioxide] UVFL [UV-fluorescence] µg/m3 Yes No 0 30min 01.02.1994  
1 Zn [zinc] AAS [atomic absorption spectrometry] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 7d 01.01.1996 30.06.1997 
1 Zn [zinc] AAS [atomic absorption spectrometry] ng/m3 Yes Yes 0 14d 01.07.1997 31.12.1999 


List of laboratories
Laboratory number 1 ZÚ se sídlem v Jihlavě-odd.hyg.laboratoří
Hutařova 1
59134  Žďár n.S.
Tel: 566650821
Fax: 566650821
E-mail: zdar@zujih.cz

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