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CLIZE, Na lizu

Situation in the year: 2007

Basic data
Code of the measuring programme in the given locality:CLIZE
Old ISKO number:172
Locality: Na lizu
Type of measuring programme: Throughfall beech
Measuring networks:GEOMON 
AdministratorÚstav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR
EZ Nový Dvůr 31
Ing. Miroslav  Tesar  CSc. 
38473  Stachy
Tel: 721881733
Fax: 383372883
E-mail: miroslav.tesar@iol.cz
Supplementary data
Target of the measurement programme:stanovení chemického složení srážek a výpočet atmosférické depozice
Place description
Lab. = laboratory, Sup. = data supplier, Par. = parallel measurement
Lab.Dod.ComponentMethodUnit Par.IntervalDate of startDate of end
11Al [aluminium]GF-AAS [graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry]ug/l01M01.11.2005 
11As [arsenic]GF-AAS [graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry]ug/l01M01.11.2005 
11Ca [calcium ion]FAAS [flame atomic absorption apectrometry]ug/l01M01.11.2005 
11Cd [cadmium]GF-AAS [graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry]ug/l01M01.11.2005 
11Cl [chlorine ion]HPLC [high performance liquid chromatography]ug/l01M01.11.2005 
11F [fluorine ion]AAS [atomic absorption spectrometry]ug/l01M01.11.2005 
11Fe [iron]FAAS [flame atomic absorption apectrometry]ug/l01M01.11.2005 
11K [potassium ion]FAAS [flame atomic absorption apectrometry]ug/l01M01.11.2005 
11Mg [magnesium ion]FAAS [flame atomic absorption apectrometry]ug/l01M01.11.2005 
11Mn [manganese]AAS [atomic absorption spectrometry]ug/l01M01.11.2005 
11Na [sodium ion]FAAS [flame atomic absorption apectrometry]ug/l01M01.11.2005 
11NH4 [ammonium ion]SFA [spectrophotometry]ug/l01M01.11.2005 
11Ni [nickel]GF-AAS [graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry]ug/l01M01.11.2005 
11NO3 [nitrate ion]HPLC [high performance liquid chromatography]ug/l01M01.11.2005 
11N-sum [nitrite sum]CHLM [chemiluminescence]ug/l01M01.11.2005 
11Pb [lead]GF-AAS [graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry]ug/l01M01.11.2005 
11pH [pH]pH meter [pH meter]-01M01.11.2005 
11RAIN [precipitation amount]VOL [volumetric metod]mm01M01.11.2005 
11SO4 [sulphate ion]HPLC [high performance liquid chromatography]ug/l01M01.11.2005 
11TOC [TOC]NDIR [nondispersive infrared absorption]mg/l01M01.11.2005 
11Zn [zinc]FAAS [flame atomic absorption apectrometry]ug/l01M01.11.2005 
List of laboratories
Laboratory number 1Centrální laboratoř České geologické služby
Geologická 6
15200  Praha 5


List of data suppliers
Supplier number 1
Klárov 3/131
RNDr. Daniela  Fottová   
11821  Praha 1
Tel: 251085209
Fax: 251818748
E-mail: daniela.fottova@geology.cz