UUKP0, Usti n.L.-KHS, Pasteurova

Situation in the year: 2008

Basic data
Code of the measuring programme in the given locality:UUKP0
Old ISKO number:1736
Locality: Usti n.L.-KHS, Pasteurova
Type of measuring programme: Heavy metal in PM10
Measuring networks: 
AdministratorZÚ se sídlem v Ústí n.Labem
Moskevská 15
Mgr. Zdeněk  Koval   
40002  Ústí n.L.
E-mail: zdenek.koval@zuusti.cz
Supplementary data
Target of the measurement programme:Evaluation of the effect on the population health
Place description
Lab. = laboratory, Sup. = data supplier, A = authorization, R = data available in the real time regime, Par. = parallel measurement, Ac = accredited
Lab.Dod.ComponentMethodUnit ARPar.AcIntervalDate of startDate of end
11Be [beryllium] ICP-MS [inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry]ng/m3NoNo0Yes14d01.01.2005 
11V [vanadium] ICP-MS [inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry]ng/m3NoNo0Yes14d01.01.2005 
11Cr [chromium] ICP-MS [inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry]ng/m3NoNo0Yes14d01.01.2005 
11Mn [manganese] ICP-MS [inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry]ng/m3NoNo0Yes14d01.01.2005 
11Fe [iron] ICP-MS [inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry]ng/m3NoNo0Yes14d01.01.2005 
11Ni [nickel] ICP-MS [inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry]ng/m3NoNo0Yes14d01.01.2005 
11Cu [copper] ICP-MS [inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry]ng/m3NoNo0Yes14d01.01.2005 
11As [arsenic] ICP-MS [inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry]ng/m3NoNo0Yes14d01.01.2005 
11Cd [cadmium] ICP-MS [inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry]ng/m3NoNo0Yes14d01.01.2005 
11Pb [lead] ICP-MS [inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry]ng/m3NoNo0Yes14d01.01.2005 


List of laboratories
Laboratory number 1ZÚ se sídlem v Ústí n.Labem
Pasterova 9,p.Moskevská 15
Nataša  Linhartová   
40002  Ustí nad Labem
Tel: 477751218
Fax: 477751277
E-mail: natasa.linhartova@zuusti.cz


List of data suppliers
Supplier number 1
Moskevská 15
Ing. Pavel  Šubrt   
40002  Ústí n.L.
Tel: 477751210
Fax: 477751277
E-mail: pavel.subrt@zuusti.cz