Fe - SKLS0

Detailed overview of air pollution values for the measuring programme

Year: 2012
Matter: Fe - iron
Locality: Kladno-Svermov
Measuring programme: SKLS0
Organization: CHMI
Region: Stredocesky
District: Kladno
Unit: ng/m3
Measuring method: inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry
Average daily concentrations in specific units
Day/Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 X Max. N
1 13.5 31.1 26.3 58.3 14.4 30.4 75.3 72.8 24.3 64.0 107.0 103.0 34.3 18.8 15.7 92.5 243.0 464.0 316.0 452.0 470.0 116.0 470.0 21
2 323.0 381.0 197.0 264.0 328.0 203.0 160.0 202.0 72.7 47.0 41.2 34.7 126.0 67.3 47.7 33.9 42.3 80.5 131.0 157.4 381.0 19
3 142.0 636.0 1050.0 506.0 401.0 164.0 97.9 111.0 101.0 675.0 610.0 174.0 277.0 379.0 364.0 238.0 254.0 399.0 382.0 35.2 80.3 346.9 1050.0 21
4 282.0 462.0 138.0 200.0 84.7 87.5 169.0 324.0 132.0 136.0 361.0 368.0 132.0 131.0 866.0 179.0 471.0 508.0 350.0 409.0 275.5 866.0 20
5 557.0 198.0 113.0 59.1 198.0 144.0 49.2 53.2 191.0 113.0 208.0 409.0 304.0 433.0 320.0 301.0 354.0 230.0 222.0 233.0 234.6 557.0 20
6 86.4 123.0 111.0 111.0 104.0 65.8 67.6 137.0 126.0 230.0 142.0 112.0 225.0 280.0 93.0 101.0 76.1 121.0 427.0 531.0 169.4 531.0 20
7 380.0 328.0 228.0 197.0 160.0 85.0 107.0 109.0 108.0 53.6 64.4 47.4 108.0 79.2 101.0 240.0 285.0 417.0 419.0 103.0 296.0 179.8 419.0 21
8 410.0 138.0 145.0 101.0 87.0 278.0 242.0 98.2 352.0 378.0 236.0 403.0 245.0 386.0 279.0 232.0 118.0 389.0 215.0 191.0 130.0 238.1 410.0 21
9 133.0 204.0 296.0 195.0 226.0 320.0 204.0 87.8 112.0 79.5 300.0 235.0 201.0 360.0 220.0 352.0 456.0 42.3 137.0 299.0 215.5 456.0 20
10 191.0 161.0 49.3 49.1 238.0 144.0 344.0 263.0 383.0 141.0 416.0 432.0 95.2 85.9 225.0 139.0 134.0 26.5 78.1 118.0 179.7 432.0 20
11 179.0 154.0 111.0 38.1 30.9 56.2 324.0 144.0 535.0 259.0 253.0 119.0 351.0 466.0 632.0 400.0 594.0 576.0 162.0 15.3 254.2 632.0 20
12 86.1 41.7 36.2 72.0 190.0 93.6 47.8 39.3 284.0 378.0 32.6 134.0 145.0 224.0 189.0 95.8 76.0 17.2 231.0 134.0 210.0 128.6 378.0 21