ALIB, Praha 4-Libus

Situation in the year: 2016

Basic data
Locality code: ALIB
Name: Praha 4-Libus
State: Česká republika
Owner: Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
Region: Prague
District: Praha 4
Basic administrative unit: Praha
Abbreviation: B/S/R
EOI - station type: background
EOI - zone type: suburban
EOI - zone characteristics: residental
EOI B/R - subcategory:
Residence address

ČHMÚ - Libuš CLI
Gen.Šišky 942
14200 Praha 4 - Libuš
Tel.: 244033467
Fax:.: 241727935
Coordinates: 50° 0´ 26.299" North latitude 14° 26´ 45.360" East longitude
Altitude: 301 m
Supplementary data
Terrain: Upload platform area (peak, ridge) in terrain of declination up to 10%
Landscape: Built-up area, non-built-up area, marginal parts of municipalities
Representativeness: District (County) scale (0.5-4 km)
The station is locatedin the CHMI grounds in Prague-Libus about 50 m from the communication.
List of measuring programmes:
Code Type
ALIBA Automated measuring program
ALIBP Measuring program of PAHs
ALIBV Measuring program of VOC
ALIB0 Heavy metal in PM10
ALIB5 Heavy metal in PM2.5
Establishment and termination of the measuring site:
Date of establishment:1985-01-01 Date of termination: