Summary Tabular Survey
- Preface
- Limit values - 2017
- List of abbreviations and explanatory notes
- 1. Commentary on the summary annual tabular survey
- 1.1 Overview of measuring methods
- 1.2 Database of the annual processing and Air Quality
- 1.3 Commentary on the contents of the tables
- 1.4 Data quality assurance
- 2. Overview of measurement networks of the Czech Republic
- 3. Summary overviews of limit values exceedences according to Clean Air Act No. 201/2012 Coll. and Decree No. 330/2012 Coll.
and maximum values of air pollution characteristics at stations of the Czech Republic- 3.1. Stations with maximum annual average concentrations – Health protection
- 3.2. Stations with maximum 24-hour concentrations – Health protection
- 3.3. Stations with maximum hourly concentrations – Health protection
- 3.4. Stations with maximum daily 8-hour running average concentrations CO - Health protection
- 3.5. Stations with maximum daily 8-hour running average concentrations O3 - Health protection
- 3.6. Stations with maximum annual average concentrations SO2 - Protection of ecosystems and vegetation
- 3.7. Stations with maximum annual average concentrations NOx - Protection of ecosystems and vegetation
- 3.8. Stations with maximum AOT40 - Protection of ecosystems and vegetation
- 3.9. Stations with maximum winter average concentrations SO2 - Protection of ecosystems and vegetation
- 3.10.Stations with maximum hourly concentrations O3 - Health protection
- 4. Sulphur dioxide SO2 - hourly, daily, quarterly and annual air pollution characteristics
- 5. PM10 - hourly, daily, quarterly and annual air pollution characteristics
- 6. Nitrogen dioxide NO2 - hourly, daily, quarterly and annual air pollution characteristics
- 7. Nitrogen oxides NOx rural stations - hourly, daily, quarterly and annual air pollution characteristics
- 8. Carbon monoxide CO - 8-hour, daily, quarterly and annual air pollution characteristics
- 9. Benzene BZN - hourly, daily, quarterly and annual air pollution characteristics
- 10. Ozone O3 - 8-hour, daily, quarterly and annual air pollution characteristics
- 11. Heavy metals – monthly, quarterly and annual air pollution characteristics: As, Cd, Ni, Pb
- 12. Benzo(a)pyrene, BaP - monthly and annual air pollution characteristics
- 13. Ammonia NH3 - hourly, daily, quarterly and annual air pollution characteristics
- 14. Suspended particulate matter, SPM - monthly and annual air pollution characteristics
- 15. PM2.5 - monthly and annual air pollution characteristics
- 16. Nitrogen oxides NOx - monthly and annual air pollution characteristics
- 17. nitrogen monoxide NO - monthly and annual air pollution characteristics
- 18. Average monthly concentrations of heavy metals in particles
- 19. Sum of nitrate ions SNO3 - monthly and annual air pollution characteristics
- 20. Sum of ammonium ions SNH4 - monthly and annual air pollution characteristics
- 21. Hydrogen sulphide H2S - monthly and annual air pollution characteristics
- 22. Sulphate particles SO4 - monthly and annual air pollution characteristics
- 23. EC, OC. EC, OC
- 24. Aromatic hydrocarbons, BTX - monthly and annual air pollution characteristics: EBZN, MXY, MPXY, OXY, PXY, TLN, XYs, STYR
- 25. Volatile organic compounds, VOC – average monthly concentrations
- 26. Persistent organic pollutants, POPs – average monthly concentrations
- 27. Analysis of atmospheric precipitation - monthly analysis; distribution according to regions and districts, according to locality owners
- 28. Analysis of atmospheric precipitation - weekly analysis; distribution according to regions and districts, according to locality owners
- 29. Analysis of atmospheric precipitation - irregular data; distribution according to regions and districts, according to locality owners
- 30. Analysis of atmospheric precipitation - daily values; distribution according to regions and districts, according to locality owners
- 31. Analysis of atmospheric precipitation - annual wet deposition
- 32. Analysis of atmospheric precipitation - annual volume weighted average concentrations
- 33. Analysis of atmospheric precipitation - monthly analysis of weekly values; distribution according to regions and districts, according to locality owners
- 34. Analysis of atmospheric precipitation POPs-PAH - daily values; distribution according to regions and districts, according to locality owners
- 35. Analysis of atmospheric precipitation POPs-PCB - daily values; distribution according to regions and districts, according to locality owners
- 36. Wind roses on na imision stations
- 37. GLRD - monthly and years characteristics
- 38. List of localities – air pollution
- 39. List of localities – precipitation
Detailed overview of air pollution values for the measuring programme
- SO2-Sulphur dioxide
- PM10-PM10 particles
- PM2.5-PM2.5 particles
- NOx-nitrogen oxides
- NO-nitrogen monoxide
- NO2-Nitrogen dioxide
- CO-Carbon monoxide
- O3-ozone
- SPM-suspended particulate matter
- BZN-benzene
- SNO3-sum of nitrate ions
- SNH4-sum of ammonium ions
- H2S-hydrogen sulphide
- SO4-sulphate particles
- EBZN-etylbenzene
- MXY-m-xylene
- OXY-o-xylene
- PXY-p-xylene
- MPXY-m,p-xylene
- TLN-toluene

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