Information about air quality in the Czech Republic

Measuring programme table

Updated: 2019-04-12 08:58 CEST

Basic data
Old ISKO number: 1291
Locality: Fichtelberg
Type of measuring programme: Automated measuring program
Measuring networks:
Staatliche Betriebsgesellschaft fur Umvelt und Landwirtschaft
Geschaftsbereich 4
014 45 Radebeul
Tel.: +49351/8312715
Fax:.: +49351/8312720
Target of the measuring programme
Evalution of total level of concentrations beckground
measuring box (heated)
Horská stanice - vrcholová - v objektu (budově) DWD, účelové betonové ploch y u budovy DWD.
Lab. Supp. Component Sampling method Measuring method Unit A R Par. Acc. ICT Met. tr. Valid. Tests ek. Uncert. Interval Date of start Date of end
1 1 SO2 [sulphur dioxide] - UVFL [UV-fluorescence] µg/m3 No No 0 N N N N N N 1h 2012-01-01
1 1 O3 [ozone] - UVABS [UV-absorption] µg/m3 No No 0 N N N N N N 1h 2012-01-01
1 1 WV [wind velocity] - OPEL [optoelectronic method] m/s No No 0 N N N N N N 1h 2012-01-01
1 1 WD [wind direction] - OPEL [optoelectronic method] deg No No 0 N N N N N N 1h 2012-01-01
1 1 p [atmospheric pressure] - APRESS [atmospheric pressure measurement] hPa No No 0 N N N N N N 1h 2012-01-01
1 1 T [temperature (unspecificated)] - PT100 [resistance method] K No No 0 N N N N N N 1h 2012-01-01
1 1 h [relative air humidity (h. of air)] - CAP [capacitance sensor] % No No 0 N N N N N N 1h 2012-01-01
1 1 GLRD [global radiation] - TDM [temperature difference method] W/m2 No No 0 N N N N N N 1h 2012-01-01
1 1 SO2 [sulphur dioxide] - UVFL [UV-fluorescence] µg/m3 No No 0 N N N N N N 30min 1996-01-01 2011-12-31
1 1 O3 [ozone] - UVABS [UV-absorption] µg/m3 No No 0 N N N N N N 30min 1996-01-28 2011-12-31
1 1 SPM [suspended particulate matter] - RADIO [radiometry - beta ray absorption] µg/m3 No No 0 N N N N N N 30min 1996-01-01 2002-12-31
1 1 WV [wind velocity] - OPEL [optoelectronic method] m/s No No 0 N N N N N N 30min 1996-01-01 2011-12-31
1 1 WD [wind direction] - OPEL [optoelectronic method] deg No No 0 N N N N N N 30min 1996-01-01 2011-12-31
1 1 p [atmospheric pressure] - APRESS [atmospheric pressure measurement] hPa No No 0 N N N N N N 30min 2006-01-01 2011-12-31
1 1 T [temperature (unspecificated)] - PT100 [resistance method] K No No 0 N N N N N N 30min 1996-01-01 2011-12-31
1 1 h [relative air humidity (h. of air)] - CAP [capacitance sensor] % No No 0 N N N N N N 30min 2006-01-01 2011-12-31
1 1 GLRD [global radiation] - TDM [temperature difference method] W/m2 No No 0 N N N N N N 30min 2006-01-01 2011-12-31
List of laboratories
Laboratory number 1 Staatliche Betriebsgesellschaft fur Umwelt und Landwirtschaft
Geschaftsbereich 4
014 45 Radebeul
Tel.: +49351-8312715
Fax:.: +49351-8312720
List of data suppliers
Supplier number 1 Sachsisches Landesamt fur Umwelt, Landwirtachft und Geologie
Referat 51 - Luftqualitat
013 11 Dresden
Tel.: +493518928 5103
Fax:.: +493518928 566