DSCH, Schwartenberg

Situation in the year: 2020

Basic data
Locality code: DSCH
Name: Schwartenberg
State: Německo
Owner: State Authority for the Environment and Geology, Dresden,FRG
Region: Sachsen-Chemnitz
District: Aue
Basic administrative unit:
Abbreviation: B/R/N
EOI - station type: background
EOI - zone type: rural
EOI - zone characteristics: natural
EOI B/R - subcategory:
Residence address

Staatliche Umweltbetriebsgesellschaft,SRN
Geschaftsbereich 4
014 45 Radebeul
Tel.: +49351/8312715
E-mail: poststelle.bful@smul.sachsen.de
Coordinates: 50° 39´ 33.994" North latitude 13° 28´ 0.002" East longitude
Altitude: 787 m
Supplementary data
Terrain: Upload platform area (peak, ridge) in terrain of declination up to 10%
Landscape: Permanent herbaceous (grass) vegetation
Representativeness: Local (Regional) scale (ten to hundreds km)
Na nezalesněném vrcholu hory, cca 60m od horské boudy. Vrchol je využíván k turistice. Z druhé strany, za horskou boudou, je parkoviště s příjezdovou komunikací. Horská - vrcholová.
List of measuring programmes:
Code Type
DSCHK Combination measuring program
DSCHP Measuring program of PAHs
DSCH0 Heavy metal in PM10
Establishment and termination of the measuring site:
Date of establishment: 1997-01-01 Date of termination: