Monthly analysis of week values

Year 2023
Region Kralovehradecky
District Rychnov nad Kneznou
Measuring programme HLUDF , Luisino udoli
Type of measuring programme Wet-only - autom. sampler
Organization ČHMÚ
Matter Unit Method Monthly concentrations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
RAIN mm VOL 218.4 80.9 141.6 91.0 56.4 34.9 157.7 257.6 14.5 150.0 174.1 209.1
vodivost µS/cm EC meter 13.7 12.2 10.4 8.8 8.4 7.2 5.8 8.6
pH - pH meter 5.77 6.10 5.97 6.03 5.92 5.83 5.81 5.12
Na⁺ ug/l FAAS 200 200 152 47 32
K⁺ ug/l FAAS 60 60 87 52 41
NH₄⁺ ug/l SMA-BERTH 1 331 827 944 797 660 485 360 288
Mg²⁺ ug/l FAAS 30 31 28 30 10
Ca²⁺ ug/l FAAS 155 864 191 403 157
Mn ug/l ICP-MS
Zn ug/l ICP-MS
Fe ug/l ICP-MS
Pb ug/l ICP-MS
Cd ug/l ICP-MS
Ni ug/l ICP-MS
F⁻ ug/l IC 3 1 2 1 2 2 2 2
Cl⁻ ug/l IC 317 293 228 96 67 68 141 393
NO₃⁻ ug/l IC 2 727 1 518 1 521 1 612 917 938 922 1 080
SO₄²⁻ ug/l IC 1 416 762 1 051 757 609 574 541 624