Informing the public about the level of pollution by lead and benzene

For the period: 01.03.2022 - 01.03.2023, CHMI

Updated: 2024-05-18 05:46 CEST

Data are calculated from both operational as well as the verified data together.

Informing the public according to Decree No. 330/2012 Coll. §4 section 2 on the method of assessment and evaluation of ambient air pollution level, on the extent of informing the public on the level of ambient air pollution and during smog situations.

Pollutant Interval Ambient limit Unit
BZN 12 months 5 µg/m³
Sequence Code Name Owner Data supplier Method Interval Annual running average
1 ALIBV Praha 4-Libuš ČHMÚ CHMI - Libus CLI GC-VOC 10min/4d 0.7
2 JKOSV Košetice ČHMÚ CHMI - Libus CLI GC-VOC 10min/4d 0.6
Pollutant Interval Ambient limit Unit
Pb 12 months 500 ng/m³
Sequence Code Name Owner Data supplier Method Interval Annual running average
Pollutant Interval Ambient limit Unit
Cd 12 months 5 ng/m³
Sequence Code Name Owner Data supplier Method Interval Annual running average
Pollutant Interval Ambient limit Unit
As 12 months 6 ng/m³
Sequence Code Name Owner Data supplier Method Interval Annual running average
Pollutant Interval Ambient limit Unit
Ni 12 months 20 ng/m³
Sequence Code Name Owner Data supplier Method Interval Annual running average
Pollutant Interval Ambient limit Unit
PM₁₀ 12 months 40 µg/m³
Sequence Code Name Owner Data supplier Method Interval Annual running average