Information about air quality in the Czech Republic

List of all localities, where air pollution is measured

Updated: 2024-07-16 04:47 CEST

Region: Prešovský kraj

District: Bardějov
active 5BPV Bardejov, Pod Vinbargom
District: Humenné
active 5HNS Humenne, Nam. Slobody
District: Kežmarok
active 5SLE Stara Lesna, AV SAV, EMEP
District: Poprad
active 5GAN Ganovce, Meteo. st.
District: Prešov
active 5PLS Presov, arm. gen. L. Svobodu

District: Snina
active 5KOS Kolonicke sedlo
active 5SVE Starina, Vodna nadrz, EMEP
District: Vranov nad Ťoplou
active 5VNT Vranov nad Top., M.R.Stefanika