Web Generator 1.0.0
Information about air quality in the Czech Republic
Locality table

Updated: 2025-03-06 04:16 CET

Basic data
Locality code: ASMI
Name: Praha 5-Smichov
State: Česká republika
Owner: Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
Region: Prague
District: Praha 5
Basic administrative unit: Praha
Abbreviation: T/U/RC
EOI - station type: traffic
EOI - zone type: urban
EOI - zone characteristics: residental;commercial
EOI B/R - subcategory:
Residence address

ČHMÚ - Libuš CLI
Gen.Šišky 942
143 00 Praha 4 - Kamýk
Tel.: 244033467
E-mail: jan.silhavy@chmi.cz
Coordinates: 50° 4´ 23.287" North latitude 14° 23´ 53.307" East longitude
Altitude: 216 m
Supplementary data
Terrain: The upper or the middle of a sharp slope (above 8%)
Landscape: Administrative, commercial built-up area, housing units
Representativeness: District (County) scale (0.5-4 km)
Stanice je umístěna nad výjezdem ze Strahovského tunelu na Smíchově. 30.11.2000 došlo k výměně prachoměru. Verewa F703V a sondy PM10 Kalman byly nahrazeny prachoměrem FH 62 I-R se sondami PM10 Anderson. 17.6.2004 došlo k výměně prachoměru FH62 I-R se soundou Anderson za prachom ěr ESA MP101M se sondou PM10 Digitel.
List of measuring programmes:
Code Type
inactive ASMIA Automated measuring program
inactive ASMId Passive samplers
inactive ASMID Active samplers
inactive ASMIH POPs measuring
inactive ASMIM Manual measuring program
inactive ASMIP Measuring program of PAHs
Establishment and termination of the measuring site:
Date of establishment: 1999-12-20 Date of termination: 2021-03-11

Locality photos

Map of locality position