Information about air quality in the Czech Republic

List of localities, where air pollution is measured

Updated: 2024-05-16 05:10 CEST

Basic data
Locality code: UNVH
Name: Nova Ves v Horach
State: Česká republika
Owner: ORGREZ, a.s.
Region: Ustecky
District: Most
Basic administrative unit: Nová Ves v Horách
Abbreviation: I/-/-
EOI - station type: industrial
EOI - zone type:
EOI - zone characteristics:
EOI B/R - subcategory:
Residence address

ORGREZ, a.s.
Budovatelů 2531
43401 Most
Tel.: 476702785
Coordinates: 50° 35´ 30.112" North latitude 13° 29´ 20.157" East longitude
Altitude: 765 m
Supplementary data
Terrain: unresolved
Landscape: unresolved
Representativeness: unresolved
Vesnice, zděné trafo, JV, náhorní rovina.
List of measuring programmes:
Code Type
inactive UNVHA Automated measuring program
inactive UNVHT Heavy metal in SPM
Establishment and termination of the measuring site:
Date of establishment: 1971-01-01 Date of termination: 1999-12-31

Map of locality position