Information about air quality in the Czech Republic

List of localities, where air pollution is measured

Updated: 2024-07-15 08:09 CEST

Basic data
Locality code: USEB
Name: Sebuzin
State: Česká republika
Owner: Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
Region: Ustecky
District: Usti nad Labem
Basic administrative unit: Ústí nad Labem
Abbreviation: -/R/-
EOI - station type:
EOI - zone type: rural
EOI - zone characteristics:
EOI B/R - subcategory:
Residence address


Coordinates: 50° 35´ 55.353" North latitude 14° 4´ 39.609" East longitude
Altitude: 200 m
Supplementary data
Terrain: The upper or the middle part of sharp slope (up to 8%)
Landscape: Permanent herbaceous (grass) vegetation
Representativeness: Local (Regional) scale (ten to hundreds km)
Na samotě ve stráni, v závětří domu, stanice v přízemí domku.
List of measuring programmes:
Code Type
inactive USEBM Manual measuring program
Establishment and termination of the measuring site:
Date of establishment: 1969-01-01 Date of termination: 1994-12-31

Map of locality position