List of components

Updated: 2024-12-22 03:30 CET

ID_ISKO Abbrev Name Unit Order
1 SO2 sulphur dioxide ug/m^3 1
2 NO nitrogen monoxide ug/m^3 2
3 NO2 nitrogen dioxide ug/m^3 3
4 CO carbon monoxide ug/m^3 4
5 H2S (sulphuretted hydrogen) hydrogen sulphide ug/m^3 5
6 HF (hydrofluoric acid) hydrogen fluoride ug/m^3 6
7 HCl (hydrochloric acid) hydrogen chloride ug/m^3 7
8 O3 ozone ug/m^3 8
8 O3_230m ozone 230m above terrain ug/m^3 8
8 O3_125m ozone 125m above terrain ug/m^3 8
8 O3_50m ozone 50m above terrain ug/m^3 8
8 O3_8m ozone 8m above terrain ug/m^3 8
10 TRS total reduced sulphur ug/m^3 10
11 SOx oxides of sulphur(sulphur oxides) ug/m^3 11
12 SO4(2-) sulphate - particles ug/m^3 12
23 NOx nitrogen oxides ug/m^3 23
24 HNO3 nitric acid ug/m^3 24
25 NO3(-) nitrate ions ug/m^3 25
26 NH4(+) ammonium ions ug/m^3 26
27 NH3 ammonia ug/m^3 27
28 SNO3 sum of nitrate ions ug/m^3 28
29 SNH4 sum of ammonium ions ug/m^3 29
31 F(-) fluoride ions ug/m^3 31
41 CO2 carbon dioxide ug/m^3 41
50 CS2 carbon disulphide ug/m^3 50
60 SPM suspended particulate matter ug/m^3 60
61 PM10 particles PM10 ug/m^3 61
62 PM2,5 fine particles PM2.5 ug/m^3 62
63 BS black smoke ug/m^3 63
64 PM1 fine particles PM1 ug/m^3 64
104 Be beryllium ng/m^3 104
111 Na sodium ng/m^3 111
112 Mg magnesium ng/m^3 112
113 Al aluminium ng/m^3 113
114 Si silicon ng/m^3 114
115 P phosphorus ng/m^3 115
116 S sulphur ng/m^3 116
117 Cl chlor ng/m^3 117
119 K potassium ng/m^3 119
120 Ca calcium ng/m^3 120
121 Sc scandium ng/m^3 121
122 Ti titanium ng/m^3 122
123 V vanadium ng/m^3 123
124 Cr chromium ng/m^3 124
125 Mn manganese ng/m^3 125
126 Fe iron ng/m^3 126
127 Co cobalt ng/m^3 127
128 Ni nickel ng/m^3 128
129 Cu copper ng/m^3 129
130 Zn zinc ng/m^3 130
131 Ga gallium ng/m^3 131
132 Ge germanium ng/m^3 132
133 As arsenic ng/m^3 133
134 Se selenium ng/m^3 134
135 Br(-) bromide ions ng/m^3 135
137 Rb rubidium ng/m^3 137
138 Sr strontium ng/m^3 138
139 Y yttrium ng/m^3 139
140 Zr zirconium ng/m^3 140
142 Mo molybdenum ng/m^3 142
145 Rh rhodium ng/m^3 145
146 Pd palladium ng/m^3 146
147 Ag silver ng/m^3 147
148 Cd cadmium ng/m^3 148
149 In indium ng/m^3 149
150 Sn tin ng/m^3 150
151 Sb antimony ng/m^3 151
152 Te tellurium ng/m^3 152
153 I iodine ng/m^3 153
155 Cs cesium ng/m^3 155
156 Ba baryum ng/m^3 156
157 La lanthanum ng/m^3 157
158 Ce cerium ng/m^3 158
159 Pr praseodymium ng/m^3 159
160 Nd neodymium ng/m^3 160
162 Sm samarium ng/m^3 162
163 Eu europium ng/m^3 163
164 Gd gadolinium ng/m^3 164
165 Tb terbium ng/m^3 165
166 Dy dysprosium ng/m^3 166
167 Ho holmium ng/m^3 167
168 Er erbium ng/m^3 168
169 Tm thulium ng/m^3 169
170 Yb ytterbium ng/m^3 170
171 Lu lutetium ng/m^3 171
172 Hf hafnium ng/m^3 172
173 Ta tantalum ng/m^3 173
174 W wolfram ng/m^3 174
175 Re rhenium ng/m^3 175
178 Pt platinum ng/m^3 178
179 Au gold ng/m^3 179
180 Hg mercury ng/m^3 180
181 Tl thallium ng/m^3 181
182 Pb lead ng/m^3 182
183 Bi bismuth ng/m^3 183
185 Hg0 gaseous mercury ng/m^3 185
192 U uranium ng/m^3 192
201 METAN methane mg/m^3 201
202 NMVOC non methanic volafile organic compounds ug/m^3 202
203 ETAN ethane ug/m^3 203
204 ETEN ethene ug/m^3 204
205 PRPA propane ug/m^3 205
206 PRPE propene ug/m^3 206
207 IBUT i-butane ug/m^3 207
208 NBUT n-butane ug/m^3 208
209 ACET acetylene ug/m^3 209
210 SBUT sum of butene ug/m^3 210
211 IPEN i-pentane ug/m^3 211
212 NPEN n-pentane ug/m^3 212
213 SPTN sum of pentene ug/m^3 213
214 MCPT methyl cyclopentane ug/m^3 214
215 IHEX i-hexane ug/m^3 215
216 NHEX n- hexane ug/m^3 216
217 CHEX cyclohexane ug/m^3 217
218 IHEP i-heptane ug/m^3 218
219 NHEP n-heptane ug/m^3 219
220 ISOP isoprene ug/m^3 220
221 BZN Benzene ug/m^3 221
222 TLN toluene ug/m^3 222
223 EBZN ethylbenzene ug/m^3 223
224 MPXY m,p-xylene ug/m^3 224
225 OXY o-xylene ug/m^3 225
226 NONN nonane ug/m^3 226
227 MXY m-xylene ug/m^3 227
228 PXY p-xylene ug/m^3 228
229 XYs sum of xylens ug/m^3 229
231 STYR styrene ug/m^3 231
232 AKNL acrylonitrile ug/m^3 232
233 FMA formaldehyde ug/m^3 233
240 CM chloromethane ug/m^3 240
241 TCM trichlormethane ug/m^3 241
242 CLB chlorbenzene ug/m^3 242
243 DC13 1,3-dichlorbenzene ug/m^3 243
244 DC14 1,4-dichlorbenzene ug/m^3 244
245 DC12 1,2-dichlorbenzene ug/m^3 245
246 DCLs sum of dichlorbenzenes ug/m^3 246
247 TMB135 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene ug/m^3 247
248 TMB124 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene ug/m^3 248
249 TMBs sum of trimethylbenzenes ug/m^3 249
250 CHC chlorinated hydrocarbons ug/m^3 250
251 DCM dichlormethane ug/m^3 251
252 CCl4 tetrachlormethane, carbontetrachlor ug/m^3 252
253 TCL trichlorethylene ug/m^3 253
254 TECE tetrachlorethylene ug/m^3 254
255 VC vinilchloride ug/m^3 255
256 TCE trichlorethane ug/m^3 256
257 FR11 Freon 11 ug/m^3 257
258 FR12 Freon 12 ug/m^3 258
259 FR113 Freon 113 ug/m^3 259
260 FNL phenol ug/m^3 260
261 MPR2 2-methylpropane pmol/mol 261
262 MB2 2-methylbutane pmol/mol 262
270 PAN peroxyacetrylnitrate ug/m^3 270
271 MP23 2+3 methylpentane ug/m^3 271
272 MH23 2+3 methylhexane ug/m^3 272
273 CP cyclopentane ug/m^3 273
274 DMB22 2,2-dimethylbutane ug/m^3 274
275 DMB23 2,3 dimethylbutane ug/m^3 275
276 MHP23 2+3 methylheptane ug/m^3 276
277 I_OKT i-octane ug/m^3 277
278 N_OKT n-octane ug/m^3 278
279 BT13 1,3 butadien ug/m^3 279
280 THC THC ug/m^3 280
281 NMHC NMHC ug/m^3 281
282 MVK methylvinylketone ug/m^3 282
283 MEK methyl ethyl ketone ug/m^3 283
284 ACAL acetic aldehyde ug/m^3 284
285 AKR ackrolein ug/m^3 285
286 MYAKR methylacrolein ug/m^3 286
287 MAAKR methacrolein ug/m^3 287
288 PTAL pentanal ug/m^3 288
289 PPAL propanal ug/m^3 289
290 PPON propanone ug/m^3 290
291 GLL glyoxal ug/m^3 291
292 MGLL methylglyoxal ug/m^3 292
293 HEXL hexanal ug/m^3 293
294 BZA benzaldehyde ug/m^3 294
295 SBTOL sum of butanol ug/m^3 295
296 STMB sum of trimethylbenzen ug/m^3 296
300 POPs persistent organic pollutants - sum ng/m^3 300
301 PAHs polycyclic aromatic hydreocarbons - ng/m^3 301
302 BaA benzo(a)anthracene ng/m^3 302
303 BbF benzo(b)fluoranthene ng/m^3 303
304 BaP benzo[a]pyrene ng/m^3 304
305 Flu fluoranthene ng/m^3 305
306 Pyr pyrene ng/m^3 306
307 COR coronen ng/m^3 307
308 Chry chrysene ng/m^3 308
309 BkF benzo(k)fluoranthene ng/m^3 309
310 PCBs polychlorinated biphenyls - sum pg/m^3 310
312 I123cdP indeno(1,2,3,-cd) pyrene ng/m^3 312
313 DBahA dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ng/m^3 313
314 BghiPRL benzo(g,h,i) perylene ng/m^3 314
315 PAHs_TEQ toxic equivalent of sum PAHs ng/m^3 315
316 BbF_BkF suma benzo(b)fluoranten a benzo(k)fluoranten ng/m^3 316
317 BjF benzo(j)fluoranthene ng/m^3 317
318 BeP benzo(e)pyren ng/m^3 318
320 PCDDs/Fs polychlorinated dibenzo - p-dioxins/furans-sum pg/m^3 320
321 PCB28 PCB28 pg/m^3 321
322 PCB52 PCB52 pg/m^3 322
323 PCB101 PCB101 pg/m^3 323
324 PCB118 PCB118 pg/m^3 324
325 PCB138 PCB138 pg/m^3 325
326 PCB153 PCB153 pg/m^3 326
327 PCB180 PCB180 pg/m^3 327
330 N naphtalene ng/m^3 330
331 ACL acenaphthylene ng/m^3 331
332 AC acenaphthene ng/m^3 332
333 Fl fluorene ng/m^3 333
334 Fen phenanthrene ng/m^3 334
335 A anthracene ng/m^3 335
336 PIC picene ng/m^3 336
337 RET retene ng/m^3 337
338 PRL perylene ng/m^3 338
346 alpha_HCH alpha-HCH pg/m^3 346
347 beta_HCH beta-HCH pg/m^3 347
348 gamma_HCH gamma-HCH pg/m^3 348
349 delta_HCH delta-HCH pg/m^3 349
350 HCH hexachlorcyclohexane ng/m^3 350
351 HCB hexachlorbenzene pg/m^3 351
352 PeCDD 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD ng/m^3 352
353 PeCB pentachlorbenzene pg/m^3 353
361 TCDF 1,3,7,8-TCDF ng/m^3 361
370 pp_DDE p,p'-DDE pg/m^3 370
371 pp_DDD p,p'-DDD pg/m^3 371
372 pp_DDT p,p'-DDT pg/m^3 372
401 F0025 particles 0.25-0.28 p/dcl 401
402 F0028 particles 0.28-0.30 p/dcl 402
403 F0030 particles 0.30-0.35 p/dcl 403
404 F0035 particles 0.35-0.40 p/dcl 404
405 F0040 particles 0.40-0.45 p/dcl 405
406 F0045 particles 0.45-0.50 p/dcl 406
407 F0050 particles 0.50-0.58 p/dcl 407
408 F0058 particles 0.58-0.65 p/dcl 408
409 F0065 particles 0.65-0.70 p/dcl 409
410 F0070 particles 0.70-0.80 p/dcl 410
411 F0080 particles 0.80-1.00 p/dcl 411
412 F0100 particles 1.00-1.30 p/dcl 412
413 F0130 particles 1.30-1.60 p/dcl 413
414 F0160 particles 1.60-2.00 p/dcl 414
415 F0200 particles 2.00-2.50 p/dcl 415
416 F0250 particles 2.50-2.70 p/dcl 416
417 F0270 particles 2.70-3.00 p/dcl 417
418 F0300 particles 3.00-3.50 p/dcl 418
419 F0350 particles 3.50-4.00 p/dcl 419
420 F0400 particles 4.00-5.00 p/dcl 420
421 F0500 particles 5.00-6.50 p/dcl 421
422 F0650 particles 6.50-7.50 p/dcl 422
423 F0750 particles 7.50-8.50 p/dcl 423
424 F0850 particles 8.50-10.00 p/dcl 424
425 F1000 particles 10.00-12.50 p/dcl 425
426 F1250 particles 12.50-15.00 p/dcl 426
427 F1500 particles 15.00-17.50 p/dcl 427
428 F1750 particles 17.50-20.00 p/dcl 428
429 F2000 particles 20.00-25.00 p/dcl 429
430 F2500 particles 25.00-30.00 p/dcl 430
431 F3000 particles 30.00-32.00 p/dcl 431
432 F3200 particles >32.00 p/dcl 432
450 F_007_010 numbers of particles 7-10 nm p/cm^3 450
451 F_010_020 numbers of particles 10-20 nm p/cm^3 451
452 F_020_030 numbers of particles 20-30 nm p/cm^3 452
453 F_030_050 numbers of particles 30-50 nm p/cm^3 453
454 F_050_070 numbers of particles 50-70 nm p/cm^3 454
455 F_070_100 numbers of particles 70-100 nm p/cm^3 455
456 F_100_200 numbers of particles 100-200 nm p/cm^3 456
457 F_200_800 numbers of particles 200-800 nm p/cm^3 457
458 F_010_020T numbers of particles 10-20 nm with Thermodenuder p/cm^3 458
459 F_020_030T numbers of particles 20-30 nm with Thermodenuder p/cm^3 459
460 F_030_050T numbers of particles 30-50 nm with Thermodenuder p/cm^3 460
461 F_050_070T numbers of particles 50-70 nm with Thermodenuder p/cm^3 461
462 F_070_100T numbers of particles 70-100 nm with Thermodenuder p/cm^3 462
463 F_100_200T numbers of particles 100-200 nm with Thermodenude p/cm^3 463
464 F_200_800T numbers of particles 200-800 nm with Thermodenude p/cm^3 464
499 Ttot7 total numbers of particles 7 to 800 nm p/cm^3 499
501 EC elemental carbon ug/m^3 501
502 EC1 elemental carbon - main filter ug/m^3 502
503 EC2 elemental carbon - backup filter ug/m^3 503
504 OC organic carbon ug/m^3 504
505 OC1 organic carbon - main filter ug/m^3 505
506 OC2 organic carbon - backup filter ug/m^3 506
507 TC total carbon ug/m^3 507
508 BC black carbon ug/m^3 508
509 BC370 black carbon 370 ng/m^3 509
510 BC430 black carbon 430 ng/m^3 510
511 BC470 black carbon 470 ng/m^3 511
512 BC520 black carbon 520 ng/m^3 512
513 BC565 black carbon 565 ng/m^3 513
514 BC590 black carbon 590 ng/m^3 514
515 BC660 black carbon 660 ng/m^3 515
516 BC700 black carbon 700 ng/m^3 516
517 BC880 black carbon 880 ng/m^3 517
518 BC950 black carbon 950 ng/m^3 518
550 H2PO4(-) phosphate ions ug/m^3 550
555 NO2(-) nitrite ions ug/m^3 555
560 Ca(2+) calcium ions ng/m^3 560
561 Cl(-) chloride ions ng/m^3 561
562 K(+) potassium ions ng/m^3 562
563 Mg(2+) magnesium ions ng/m^3 563
564 Na(+) sodium ions ng/m^3 564
601 NSV-s number of passing small vehicles - both directions NV 601
602 NMV-s number of passing middle-sized vehicles - both directions NV 602
603 NBV-s number of passing big vehicles - both directions NV 603
604 NSV-in number of passing small vehicles - to the centre NV 604
605 NMV-in number of passing middle-sized vehicles - to the centre NV 605
606 NBV-in number of passing big vehicles - to the centre NV 606
607 NEBV-in number of passing extra big vehicles - to the centre NV 607
608 NSV-out number of passing small vehicles - from the centre NV 608
609 NMV-out number of passing middle-sized vehicles - from the centre NV 609
610 NBV-out number of passing big vehicles - from the centre NV 610
611 NEBV-out number of passing extra big vehicles - from the centre NV 611
621 Dir1_L1_s number of small vehicles in direction 1 and lane 1 NV 621
622 Dir1_L1_m number of medium-sized vehicles in direction 1 and lane 1 NV 622
623 Dir1_L1_l number of large vehicles in direction 1 and lane 1 NV 623
624 Dir1_L1_x number of very large vehicles in direction 1 and lane 1 NV 624
625 Dir1_L2_s number of small vehicles in direction 1 and lane 2 NV 625
626 Dir1_L2_m number of medium-sized vehicles in direction 1 and lane 2 NV 626
627 Dir1_L2_l number of large vehicles in direction 1 and lane 2 NV 627
628 Dir1_L2_x number of very large vehicles in direction 1 and lane 2 NV 628
629 Dir1_L3_s number of small vehicles in direction 1 and lane 3 NV 629
630 Dir1_L3_m number of medium-sized vehicles in direction 1 and lane 3 NV 630
631 Dir1_L3_l number of large vehicles in direction 1 and lane 3 NV 631
632 Dir1_L3_x number of very large vehicles in direction 1 and lane 3 NV 632
633 Dir1_L4_s number of small vehicles in direction 1 and lane 4 NV 633
634 Dir1_L4_m number of medium-sized vehicles in direction 1 and lane 4 NV 634
635 Dir1_L4_l number of large vehicles in direction 1 and lane 4 NV 635
636 Dir1_L4_x number of very large vehicles in direction 1 and lane 4 NV 636
637 Dir1_L5_s number of small vehicles in direction 1 and lane 5 NV 637
638 Dir1_L5_m number of medium-sized vehicles in direction 1 and lane 5 NV 638
639 Dir1_L5_l number of large vehicles in direction 1 and lane 5 NV 639
640 Dir1_L5_x number of very large vehicles in direction 1 and lane 5 NV 640
641 Dir2_L1_s number of small vehicles in direction 2 and lane 1 NV 641
642 Dir2_L1_m number of medium-sized vehicles in direction 2 and lane 1 NV 642
643 Dir2_L1_l number of large vehicles in direction 2 and lane 1 NV 643
644 Dir2_L1_x number of very large vehicles in direction 2 and lane 1 NV 644
645 Dir2_L2_s number of small vehicles in direction 2 and lane 2 NV 645
646 Dir2_L2_m number of medium-sized vehicles in direction 2 and lane 2 NV 646
647 Dir2_L2_l number of large vehicles in direction 2 and lane 2 NV 647
648 Dir2_L2_x number of very large vehicles in direction 2 and lane 2 NV 648
649 Dir2_L3_s number of small vehicles in direction 2 and lane 3 NV 649
650 Dir2_L3_m number of medium-sized vehicles in direction 2 and lane 3 NV 650
651 Dir2_L3_l number of large vehicles in direction 2 and lane 3 NV 651
652 Dir2_L3_x number of very large vehicles in direction 2 and lane 3 NV 652
653 Dir2_L4_s number of small vehicles in direction 2 and lane 4 NV 653
654 Dir2_L4_m number of medium-sized vehicles in direction 2 and lane 4 NV 654
655 Dir2_L4_l number of large vehicles in direction 2 and lane 4 NV 655
656 Dir2_L4_x number of very large vehicles in direction 2 and lane 4 NV 656
657 Dir2_L5_s number of small vehicles in direction 2 and lane 5 NV 657
658 Dir2_L5_m number of medium-sized vehicles in direction 2 and lane 5 NV 658
659 Dir2_L5_l number of large vehicles in direction 2 and lane 5 NV 659
660 Dir2_L5_x number of very large vehicles in direction 2 and lane 5 NV 660
701 Pb208/206 isotopic ratio 208 Pb/206 Pb number 701
702 Pb207/206 isotopic ratio 207 Pb/206Pb number 702
801 WV wind velocity m/s 801
802 WD wind direction deg 802
803 p atmospheric pressure hPa 803
804 T temperature (unspecificated) K 804
805 h relative air humidity (h. of air) % 805
806 RAIN precipitation amount (rain am.) mm 806
807 GLRD global radiation W/m^2 807
808 T2m temperature 2m above terrain K 808
809 T10m temperature 10m above terrain K 809
810 SUND sunshine duration hod 810
811 WVm short-term wind velocity maximum m/s 811
812 WDm short-term wind direction maximum deg 812
813 MIHE mixing height m 813
814 WROSE wind rose % 814
815 T4m temperature 3,5-4m above terrain K 815
850 UVB ultraviolet radiation - medium wave W/m^2 850
860 x mean wind component along x-axis of sensor head m/s 860
861 y mean wind component along y-axis of sensor head m/s 861
862 z mean wind component along z-axis (vertical) of sensor head m/s 862
863 Tak sonic temperature as measured, not corrected for crosswind component or humidity K 863
864 xsig std. dev. of mean wind component along x-axis of sensor head m/s 864
865 ysig std. dev. of mean wind component along y-axis of sensor head m/s 865
866 zsig std. dev. of mean wind component along z-axis (vertical) of sensor head m/s 866
867 Tsig std. dev. of sonic temperature K 867
868 xycov covariance of x and y m^2/s^2 868
869 xzcov covariance of x and z m^2/s^2 869
870 xTcov covariance of x and T mK/s 870
871 yzcov covariance of y and z m^2/s^2 871
872 yTcov covariance of y and T mK/s 872
873 zTcov covariance of z and T mK/s 873
874 psig std. dev. of mean wind component parallel to the mean 3-dimensional wind vector m/s 874
875 qsig std. dev. of horizontal mean wind component perpendicular to the mean 3-dimensio m/s 875
876 rsig std. dev. of mean wind component perpendicular and vertical to the mean 3-dimens m/s 876
877 tp std. dev. of mean wind component parallel to the mean 3-dimensional wind vector nil 877
878 tq std. dev. of horizontal mean wind component perpendicular to the mean 3-dimensio nil 878
879 tr std. dev. of mean wind component perpendicular and vertical to the mean 3-dimens nil 879
880 mgust max. wind gust (derived for a 3 s period) within the averaging interval m/s 880
881 thsig std. dev. of horizontal wind direction deg 881
882 phsig std. dev. of vertical wind direction deg 882
883 diffc diffusion c1ass (1 or A: unstable … 6 or F: stable) derived from parameterized n nil 883
884 ustar friction velocity u• m/s 884
885 Tstar characteristic temperature T* K 885
886 CDw drag coefficient nil 886
887 CT structure constant of temperature CT2 K^2/m^2/3 887
888 MOs Monin Obukhov stability 1/m 888
889 mf vertical momentum flux Kg/ms^2 889
890 hf vertical heat flux, corrected for cross wind component W/m^2 890
891 nrb parameterized radiation balance, derived from turbulent heat flux hf W/m^2 891
892 u mean west-east wind component m/s 892
893 v mean south-north wind component m/s 893
894 w mean vertical wind component m/s 894
895 vel mean horizontal wind speed, vector average m/s 895
896 dir mean horizontal wind direction, vector average deg 896
897 svel mean horizontal wind speed, scalar average m/s 897
898 sdir mean horizontal wind direction, scalar average deg 898
901 Alf_nat Alpha I/s 901
902 Alf_bet Alfa+beta artif I/s 902
904 Beta_nat Beta natural Bq/m^3 904
905 Beta_art Beta artificial Bq/m^3 905
906 Aer_thr Aerosole through m^3 906
907 Aer_stat Aerosole status status 907
908 Jod_120 Iodine 120 I/s 908
909 Jod_3 Iodine 3 I/s 909
910 Jodx120 Iodine x 120 Bq/m^3 910
911 Jodx3 Iodine x 3 Bq/m^3 911
912 Jod_thr Iodine m^3 912
913 Jod_st Jod status status 913
920 RAD_A RAD_A uSv/hod 920
921 RAD_B RAD_B uSv/hod 921
922 RAD_C RAD_C uSv/hod 922
930 FID00172 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 172 to 184 nm p/cm^3 930
931 FID00184 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 184 to 198 nm p/cm^3 931
932 FID00198 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 198 to 213 nm p/cm^3 932
933 FID00213 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 213 to 229 nm p/cm^3 933
934 FID00229 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 229 to 246 nm p/cm^3 934
935 FID00246 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 246 to 264 nm p/cm^3 935
936 FID00264 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 264 to 284 nm p/cm^3 936
937 FID00284 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 284 to 305 nm p/cm^3 937
938 FID00305 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 305 to 328 nm p/cm^3 938
939 FID00328 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 328 to 352 nm p/cm^3 939
940 FID00352 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 352 to 379 nm p/cm^3 940
941 FID00379 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 379 to 407 nm p/cm^3 941
942 FID00407 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 407 to 437 nm p/cm^3 942
943 FID00437 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 437 to 470 nm p/cm^3 943
944 FID00470 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 470 to 505 nm p/cm^3 944
945 FID00505 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 505 to 543 nm p/cm^3 945
946 FID00543 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 543 to 583 nm p/cm^3 946
947 FID00583 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 583 to 627 nm p/cm^3 947
948 FID00627 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 627 to 674 nm p/cm^3 948
949 FID00674 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 674 to 724 nm p/cm^3 949
950 FID00724 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 724 to 778 nm p/cm^3 950
951 FID00778 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 778 to 836 nm p/cm^3 951
952 FID00836 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 836 to 898 nm p/cm^3 952
953 FID00898 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 898 to 965 nm p/cm^3 953
954 FID00965 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 965 to 1037 nm p/cm^3 954
955 FID01037 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 1037 to 1198 nm p/cm^3 955
956 FID01198 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 1198 to 1383 nm p/cm^3 956
957 FID01383 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 1383 to 1486 nm p/cm^3 957
958 FID01486 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 1486 to 1597 nm p/cm^3 958
959 FID01597 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 1597 to 1717 nm p/cm^3 959
960 FID01717 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 1717 to 1845 nm p/cm^3 960
961 FID01845 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 1845 to 1982 nm p/cm^3 961
962 FID01982 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 1982 to 2130 nm p/cm^3 962
963 FID02130 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 2130 to 2289 nm p/cm^3 963
964 FID02289 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 2289 to 2460 nm p/cm^3 964
965 FID02460 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 2460 to 2643 nm p/cm^3 965
966 FID02643 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 2643 to 2841 nm p/cm^3 966
967 FID02841 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 2841 to 3053 nm p/cm^3 967
968 FID03053 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 3053 to 3280 nm p/cm^3 968
969 FID03280 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 3280 to 3525 nm p/cm^3 969
970 FID03525 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 3525 to 3788 nm p/cm^3 970
971 FID03788 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 3788 to 4071 nm p/cm^3 971
972 FID04071 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 4071 to 4374 nm p/cm^3 972
973 FID04374 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 4374 to 4701 nm p/cm^3 973
974 FID04701 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 4701 to 5051 nm p/cm^3 974
975 FID05051 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 5051 to 5833 nm p/cm^3 975
976 FID05833 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 5833 to 6268 nm p/cm^3 976
977 FID06268 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 6268 to 6736 nm p/cm^3 977
978 FID06736 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 6736 to 7239 nm p/cm^3 978
979 FID07239 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 7239 to 7779 nm p/cm^3 979
980 FID07779 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 7779 to 8359 nm p/cm^3 980
981 FID08359 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 8359 to 8983 nm p/cm^3 981
982 FID08983 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 8983 to 9653 nm p/cm^3 982
983 FID09653 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 9653 to 10373 nm p/cm^3 983
984 FID10373 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 10373 to 11147 nm p/cm^3 984
985 FID11147 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 11147 to 11979 nm p/cm^3 985
986 FID11979 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 11979 to 12872 nm p/cm^3 986
987 FID12872 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 12872 to 13833 nm p/cm^3 987
988 FID13833 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 13833 to 14865 nm p/cm^3 988
989 FID14865 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 14865 to 15974 nm p/cm^3 989
990 FID15974 Paticle number concentration - size channel from 15974 to 17165 nm p/cm^3 990
991 FID17165 Paticle number concentration - size channel above 17165 nm p/cm^3 991
1000 INDX Index of Air Quality Pollution 1000
1001 UFP_01 UFP_01 (7-10 nm) p/cm^3 1001
1002 UFP_02 UFP_02 (10-20 nm) p/cm^3 1002
1003 UFP_03 UFP_03 (20-30 nm) p/cm^3 1003
1004 UFP_04 UFP_04 (30-50 nm) p/cm^3 1004
1005 UFP_05 UFP_05 (50-70 nm) p/cm^3 1005
1006 UFP_06 UFP_06 (70-100 nm) p/cm^3 1006
1007 UFP_07 UFP_07 (100-200 nm) p/cm^3 1007
1008 UFP_08 UFP_08 (200-800 nm) p/cm^3 1008
1009 suma UFP suma of UFP 01-08 (7-800 nm) um^2/cm^3 1009
1010 suma UFP_0 suma of UFP_02-08 (10-800nm) um^2/cm^3 1010
1011 LDSA Lung Deposited Surface Area um^2/cm^3 1011
1100 NO_unc nitrogen monoxide_uncertainty nmol/mol 1100
1101 NO2_unc nitrogen dioxide_uncertainty hmol/mol 1101
1102 ETAN_ac ethane_expanded accuracy pmol/mol 1102
1103 ETAN_pr ethane_expanded precision pmol/mol 1103
1104 ETEN_ac ethene_expanded accuracy pmol/mol 1104
1105 ETEN_pr ethene_expanded precision pmol/mol 1105
1106 PRPA_ac propane_expanded accuracy pmol/mol 1106
1107 PRPA_pr propane_expanded precision pmol/mol 1107
1108 PRPE_ac propene_expanded accuracy pmol/mol 1108
1109 PRPE_pr propane_expanded precision pmol/mol 1109
1110 NPEN_ac n-pentane_expanded accuracy pmol/mol 1110
1111 NPEN_pr n-pentane_expanded precision pmol/mol 1111
1112 NHEP_ac n-heptane_expanded accuracy pmol/mol 1112
1113 NHEP_pr n-heptane_expanded precision pmol/mol 1113
1114 BZN_ac Benzene_expanded accuracy pmol/mol 1114
1115 BZN_pr benzene_expanded precision pmol/mol 1115
1116 TLN_ac toluene_expanded accuracy pmol/mol 1116
1117 TLN_pr toluene_expanded precision pmol/mol 1117
1118 EBZN_ac ethylbenzene_expanded accuracy pmol/mol 1118
1119 EBZN_pr ethylbenzene_expanded precision pmol/mol 1119
1120 MPXY_ac m,p-xylene_expanded accuracy pmol/mol 1120
1121 MPXY_pr m,p-xylene_expanded precision pmol/mol 1121
1122 OXY_ac o-xylene_expanded accuracy pmol/mol 1122
1123 OXY_pr o-xylene_expanded precision pmol/mol 1123
1124 NBUT_ac n-butane_expanded accuracy pmol/mol 1124
1125 NBUT_pr n-butane_expanded precision pmol/mol 1125
1126 ETYN_ac ethye_expanded accuracy pmol/mol 1126
1127 ETYN_pr ethyne_expanded precision pmol/mol 1127
1128 MPR2_ac 2-methylpropane_expanded accuracy pmol/mol 1128
1129 MPR2_pr 2-methylpropane_expanded precision pmol/mol 1129
1130 MB2_ac 2-methylbutane_expanded accuracy pmol/mol 1130
1131 MB2_pr 2-methylbutane_expanded precision pmol/mol 1131
1132 ETYN ethyn pmol/mol 1132
1133 NHEX_ac n- hexane_expanded accuracy pmol/mol 1133
1134 NHEX_pr n- hexane_expanded precision pmol/mol 1134
1136 TC_unc total carbon_uncertainty ug/m^3 1136
1137 EC_unc elemental carbon_ uncertainty ug/m^3 1137
1138 OC_unc elemental carbon_ uncertainty ug/m^3 1138
1139 OC_pos organic carbon_positive ug/m^3 1139
1140 OC_unc_pos organic carbon_uncertainty_positive ug/m^3 1140
1141 OC_peak1 organic carbon_peak1 ug/m^3 1141
1142 OC_peak2 organic carbon_peak2 ug/m^3 1142
1143 OC_peak3 organic carbon_peak3 ug/m^3 1143
1144 OC_peak4 organic carbon_peak4 ug/m^3 1144
1145 OC_Pyr organic carbon_fraction ug/m^3 1145
1146 OC_neg organic carbon_negative ug/m^3 1146
1147 OC_unc_neg organic carbon_uncertainty_negative ug/m^3 1147
1148 ISOP_ac isoprene__expanded accuracy pmol/mol 1148
1149 ISOP_pr isoprene_expanded precision ug/m^3 1149