IV.6.1 Air pollution caused by heavy metals in the year 2013


In 2013 the limit value for lead concentrations was not exceeded in any of 55 localities with sufficient number of data for the calculation of the valid annual average. The highest annual average was measured in the locality Ostrava-Mariánské Hory (Table XIII.12). With the exception of the year 2011, when the highest concentration was recorded in the locality Příbram I-nemocnice, the highest lead concentrations are repeatedly measured in the Ostrava-Karviná area.
Lead concentrations are very low in the whole territory of the CR and they do not reach even one half of the limit value, i.e. the lower assessment threshold 250 ng.m-3 (Fig. IV.6.7). In comparison with the year 2012 lead concentrations decreased in 60 % of localities (29 of the total number of 48 stations, which measured lead concentrations both in 2012 and 2013). The courses of short-term (24-hour, or 14-day concentrations, according to the measuring scheme at the respective station) average concentrations of lead in selected localities do not show any seasonal character (Fig. IV.6.3).


In 2013 the annual limit value for cadmium (5 ng.m-3) was exceeded only in one locality (Tanvald-školka, 7 ng.m-3) of the total number of 55 localities with the valid annual average (Table. XIII.13). The highest annual average concentrations were measured mostly in the localities in the districts Jablonec nad Nisou and Ostrava-město (Table IV.6.1).

In comparison with the year 2012 in 41 % of localities (21 of the total number of 51 stations which measured cadmium concentrations both in 2012 and 2013) the average annual concentrations decreased. Cadmium concentrations have seasonal character with higher values in winter and spring months which confirms that cadmium is emitted into the atmosphere from combustion sources used for heating (Fig. IV.6.4). There is one exception, and namely the locality Tanvald-školka, where higher concentrations of cadmium are recorded also in the summer period. This fact suggests the existence of another type of source which, however, has not been identified yet.


The annual limit value of arsenic (6 ng.m-3) was exceeded only in one locality (Kladno-Švermov, 6.7 ng.m-3) of the total number of 55 localities with the valid annual average (Table XIII.14). The limit value for arsenic has been exceeded every year at least at one station since the beginning of measurements in 1986 with the exception of the year 2012, when the limit value was met at all measuring stations. In comparison with the year 2012 the annual average concentration decreased in 46 % of localities (23 of the total number of 50 stations, which measured arsenic concentrations both in 2012 and 2013). The heaviest loads of arsenic concentrations are recorded in northwestern parts of Bohemia and the surroundings of the city of Plzeň (Fig. IV.6.2).

The course of short-term (24-hour or 14-day concentrations, according to the measuring scheme at the respective station) average arsenic concentrations (Fig. IV.6.5) shows, similarly as the average concentrations of cadmium, a marked seasonal character suggesting the significant share of combustion sources contributing to air pollution caused by arsenic.


The limit value for nickel (20 ng.m-3) was not exceeded at any of 55 localities with sufficient number of data for the calculation of the valid annual average. The highest concentration 9.9 ng.m-3 was measured at the station Jihlava-Znojemská, classified as traffic station (Table XIII.15, Fig. IV.6.6). A slight decrease of the annual average concentration in comparison with the previous year was recorded in 68 % of localities (34 of the total number of 50 stations which measured Ni concentrations both in 2012 and 2013).

IV.6.2 The development of heavy metals concentrations

The average annual concentrations of all monitored heavy metals have been decreasing in the past years; most significant decrease was recorded in lead and cadmium concentrations (Fig. IV.6.13). In arsenic and nickel two marked deviations occurred within the evaluated period, and namely the increase of arsenic concentrations in 2006 and 2010, and the increase of nickel concentrations in 2007 and 2010. The increase of annual average concentration is apparent in 2010 also in lead. The cause of these deviations has not been sufficiently explained yet.

In 2005–2007 a very marked decrease of cadmium concentrations was recorded at urban stations, and consequently, in the national average. This was caused by the decrease of the exceptionally high concentrations of cadmium measured in the urban locality Tanvald ZÚ since 2005. The area around Tanvald (the Liberec region) is characterized by high share of glass industry (ASKPCR, 2014), which used to be the significant source of cadmium emissions from the used dying and fluxing substances, primarily in the past (Beranová, 2013). Since 2004 the measures set by the Integrated regional programme to improve ambient air quality in the Liberec region has been implemented aimed at the reduction of cadmium emissions from glassworks (Rada Libereckého kraje, 2004). The implementation of modern technologies resulted in a marked decrease of cadmium concentrations in several following years (ATEM, 2006), and, consequently, to the reduction of air pollution concentrations in this area. Despite this decrease, there are recorded the above-the-limit cadmium concentrations, however, their source has not been identified yet.

In the areas not influenced by industrial production, the average annual concentrations of all heavy metals are usually higher in cities (Fig. IV.6.13). This is caused primarily by the concentration of industrial plants in cities, and by higher intensity of traffic. Urban localities are characterized also by more marked decrease of heavy metals concentrations during the evaluated period in comparison with the rural localities. Since 2005–2006 when heavy metals concentrations in rural localities slightly decreased, stagnation has been apparent in the following years.

IV.6.3 Emissions of heavy metals

The group of heavy metals includes the metals with a specific weight above 4.5 g.cm-3 and their compounds. The compounds of heavy metals are the natural component of fossil fuels and their content in the fuel varies according to the mining locality. The amount of emissions during the combustion of fossil fuels depends primarily on the type of fuel, type of the combustion plant and on the combustion temperature, influencing the volatility of heavy metals. Emissions of heavy metals are formed also during some technological processes due to their content in input raw materials. Heavy metals are present e.g. in iron ore, scrap iron, input mixture for glass melting, in dying substances etc. Besides, there are many sources of fugitive emissions of these pollutants which have not been included in emission inventories yet. For instance heavy metals in particulate emissions from tyre and brake wear or emissions of heavy metals connected with old ecological loads from mining and metallurgical activities. These types of sources are considered the probable cause of air pollution by arsenic around Kladno.

Combustion processes are significant mainly in emissions of arsenic and nickel. One of the most important sectors is the sector of public electricity and heat production; its share in arsenic emissions in 2012 was 65.8 % and in nickel emissions 58.8 % (Figs. IV.6.16 and IV.6.17). This sector also contributed significantly to cadmium emissions (28.3 %) and lead emissions (23.8 %). The share of the sectors of iron and steel production (1A2a and 2C1) prevailed in 2012 mainly in emissions of lead (38.7 %) and cadmium (37.7 %); Figs. IV.6.14 and IV.6.15. Another significant source of heavy metals emissions is represented by the sector 1A2fi, which covers the combustion processes in manufacturing industries (production of glass, cement, lime and other mineral products).

Due to the prevailing share of the sector of public electricity and heat production and the sector of iron and steel production, the spatial distribution of heavy metals emissions is given primarily by the location of the plants operating within the above sectors. Significant emissions of arsenic and nickel are focused in the areas with coal-burning thermal power plants and heating plants (Figs. IV.6.20 and IV.6.21). These are mainly the enterprises operating in the Ústí nad Labem region. Large amount of nickel is emitted into atmosphere also in the Pardubice region from the Chvaletice power plant and in the Plzeň region from the Teplárny ELÚ III heating plant. Emissions of arsenic are emitted, besides the Ústí nad Labem region, also in the the Central Bohemia region from the Mělník I power plant and in the Pardubice region from the Opatovice power plant. Emissions of lead and cadmium prevail in the Moravia-Silesia region due to the concentration of the plants producing iron and steel (Figs. IV.6.18 and IV.6.19).


Tab. XIII.12 Stations with the highest values of annual average concentrations of lead in the ambient air

Tab. XIII.13 Stations with the highest values of annual average concentrations of cadmium in the ambient air

Tab. XIII.14 Stations with the highest values of annual average concentrations of arsenic in the ambient air

Tab. XIII.15 Stations with the highest values of annual average concentrations of nickel in the ambient air


Fig. IV.6.1 Field of annual average concentration of cadmium in the ambient air in 2013

Fig. IV.6.2 Field of annual average concentration of arsenic in the ambient air in 2013

Fig. IV.6.3 Short-term average concentrations of lead in the ambient air 2013 at selected stations

Fig. IV.6.4 Short-term average concentrations of cadmium in the ambient air in 2013 at selected stations

Fig. IV.6.5 Short-term average concentrations of arsenic in the ambient air 2013 at selected stations

Fig. IV.6.6 Short-term average concentrations of nickel in the ambient air at selected stations in 2013

Fig. IV.6.7 Annual average concentrations of lead in the ambient air in 2003–2013 at selected stations

Fig. IV.6.8 Annual average concentrations of cadmium in the ambient air in 2003–2013 at selected stations

Fig. IV.6.9 Annual average concentrations of arsenic in the ambient air in 2003–2013 at selected stations

Fig. IV.6.10 Annual average concentrations of nickel in the ambient air in 2003–2013 at selected stations

Fig. IV.6.11 Five-year average of annual average concentrations of cadmium, 2009–2013

Fig. IV.6.12 Five-year average of annual average concentrations of arsenic, 2009–2013

Fig. IV.6.13 Trends of heavy metals annual characteristics in the Czech Republic, 2005–2013

Fig. IV.6.14 Emissions of Pb sorted out by NFR sectors, 2012

Fig. IV.6.15 Emissions of Cd sorted out by NFR sectors, 2012

Fig. IV.6.16 Emissions of As sorted out by NFR sectors, 2012

Fig. IV.6.17 Emissions of Ni sorted out by NFR sectors, 2012

Fig. IV.6.18 Lead emission density from 5x5 km squares, 2012

Fig. IV.6.19 Cadmium emission density from 5x5 km squares, 2012

Fig. IV.6.20 Arsenic emission density from 5x5 km squares, 2012


Fig IV.6.21 Nickel emission density from 5x5 km squares, 2012