IV.8.1 Air pollution caused by CO in the year 2013

In 2013 carbon monoxide concentrations were measured in 26 localities, classified in most cases as traffic localities in which the highest measured concentrations can be expected. Sufficient amount of data for ambient air quality evaluation was reported from 18 stations. The maximum daily 8-hour running averages did not exceed, similarly as in the previous years, the limit value 10,000 µg.m-3 at any of the stations (Table XIII.9). The highest daily 8-hour average concentration of CO was measured in the locality Ostrava-Radvanice ZÚ (4,250 µg.m-3). This is the city quarter exposed to heavy loads from industry, traffic and influence of local sources. The second highest 8-hour concentration of this pollutant was measured at the station Tobolka-Čertovy schody (3,890 µg.m-3). The increase of CO concentrations in this rural locality was probably caused by Vápenka Čertovy schody limeworks.

The courses of maximum daily 8-hour running averages for selected localities are presented in Fig. IV.8.1.

IV.8.2 The development of CO concentrations

Fig. IV.8.2 shows the apparent decreasing trend of the maximum 8-hour concentrations of CO in most localities in the CR. In 2013, the most marked decrease of CO concentrations in comparison with the previous year was recorded in the localities Prague 2-Legerova and Ostrava-Přívoz. On the contrary, the station Tobolka-Čertovy schody recorded the apparently gradually increasing trend in air pollution caused by this pollutant.

IV.8.3 Emissions of CO

Emissions of CO are produced during the combustion of carbon-containing fuels at low temperatures and insufficient amount of combustion air. The greatest amount of CO emissions is produced in the sector of local household heating; the contribution of this sector to total CO emissions in 2012 amounted to 52.8 % (Fig. IV.8.3). Further significant sources include the sector of iron and steel production (21.3 %), road freight transport over 3.5 t (4.5 %) and passenger cars transport (10 %). The downward trend of CO emissions in the years 2007–2012 was caused primarily by the natural renewal of the car fleet and the decrease of iron and steel production after the year 2007 (Fig. IV.8.4).

Due to the prevailing share of the local household heating sector CO emissions are distributed across the entire territory of populated areas in the CR. The influence of transport has its prevailing impact along highways and in big cities. The greatest amount of CO emissions is produced, owing to the presence of concentration of the plants aimed at iron and steel production, in the Moravia-Silesia region (Fig. IV.8.5).

Tab. XIII.9 Stations with the highest values of maximum 8-hour running average concentrations of CO


Fig. IV.8.1 Stations with the highest values of maximum daily 8-hour running average concentrations of CO in 2013

Fig. IV.8.2 Maximum daily 8-hour running average concentrations of CO in 2003–2013 at selected stations

Fig. IV.8.3 Emissions of CO sorted out by NFR sectors, 2012

Fig. IV.8.4 The development of CO emissions, 2007–2012

Fig. IV.8.5 Carbon monoxide emission density from 5x5 km squares, 2012