AIR POLLUTION IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC IN 2011 Czech Hydrometeorological Institute - Air Quality Protection Division |
II.4.2.2 Air quality with regard to the limit values for the protection of ecosystems and vegetation In addition to the limit values for the protection of health the national legislation introduced, in compliance with EU Directives, also the limit values for the protection of ecosystems and vegetation. The survey of the limits is presented Chapter II.3. II. Sulphur dioxide In 2011 neither the limit value for the annual average concentration nor the limit value for the winter average concentration were not exceeded in rural localities. The situation from the previous year with the exceedance of the limit value for the winter average 2010/2011 in the locality Komářà VÞka did not repeat. The highest winter average concentration in 2011 was recorded in the locality Lom (17.6 μg.m-3), the annual average concentration reached its maximum in the locality Komářà VÞka (17 μg.m-3). After the year 1998 there was recorded, in connection with coming into force of
the Act No. 309/1991 Coll., and meeting the required emission limit values, a
marked decrease of SO2 concentrations. Since then the annual average SO2
concentrations have not exceeded the set limit value 20 μg.m-3 at rural stations
(Fig. II.4.2.51). In 2008 there was further decrease of air pollution caused by
SO2 on the whole territory of the Czech Republic, in 2009 and 2010 the slight
increase of annual average was recorded at most stations. In 2011 both the
annual and winter average concentrations decreased again in two thirds of
localities as compared with the previous year, and, on the contrary, they
slightly increased in one third of the localities. The results of SO2 air pollution monitoring with regard to the limit values for the protection of ecosystems and vegetation for the annual and winter periods are shown in the Tables II.4.2.22 and II.4.2.23 and in Figs. II.4.2.53 and II.4.2.54. This chapter is closed by the graphs of courses of 24-hour SO2 concentrations at selected stations, related to the limit value for the winter and annual averages (Figs. II.4.2.55 and II.4.2.56). Fig. II.4.2.51 Annual average concentrations of SO2 in 2001–2011 at selected rural stations Fig. II.4.2.52 Winter average concentrations of SO2 in 2001/2002–2011/2012 at selected rural stations Fig. II.4.2.53 Field of annual average concentration of SO2 in 2011 Fig. II.4.2.54 Field of average concentration of SO2 in the winter period 2011/2012 Fig. II.4.2.55 24-hour concentrations at the stations with the highest annual concentrations of SO2 in 2011 Fig. II.4.2.56 24-hour concentrations at the stations with the highest winter concentrations of SO2 in the winter period 2011/2012
II. Nitrogen oxides In 2011 the NOx air pollution limit value for annual average concentrations (30 μg.m-3) was not exceeded in any of 42 localities classified as rural (Tab. II.4.2.24 and Fig. II.4.2.57). Both the table and the map for NOx include also the rural stations measuring only NO2, because as concerns the rural stations, it can be estimated that NOx concentrations correspond approximately to NO2 concentrations, in other words, the difference between both concentrations is negligible. In 2011 the number of rural stations at which the annual average NOx concentrations decreased was slightly higher (24) than the number of those at which it increased (17 localities) (Fig. II.4.2.57). The construction of the map of the spatial distribution of annual average NOx concentrations is based on the combination of measurement and modelling. All stations measuring NOx including the rural station measuring NO2 were used for the construction of the map of the field of NOx, and also the current data on emissions from mobile sources in the Czech Republic were regarded. The higher NOx concentrations can occur also in the vicinity of local communications in the villages with intensive traffic and dense local transport network, where there is no measurement of concentrations. The spot symbols highlight only the rural stations (Fig. II.4.2.58) because the level of annual NOx concentrations in these localities is evaluated with regard to the limit value. This chapter is closed by the graphs of courses of 24-hour NOx concentrations for the selected localities with higher annual averages of NOx concentrations in 2011 (Fig. II.4.2.59). Fig. II.4.2.57 Annual average concentrations of NOx and NO2 in 2001–2011 at selected rural stations Fig. II.4.2.58 Field of annual average concentration of NOx in 2011 Fig. II.4.2.59 24-hour concentrations at the stations with the highest annual concentrations of NOx in 2011
II. Ground-level ozone For the assessment of vegetation protection against ozone exceedances the national legislation uses, in compliance with the respective EU Directive, the exposure index AOT401. Of the total number of 37 rural and suburban stations for which the AOT40 calculation is relevant according to the legislation, the target value for ozone for the protection of vegetation was exceeded in 8 localities in 2011 (the average for the years 2007–2011). The highest value was recorded in the locality Å tÃtná n.Vlářà (20,801.5 μg.m-3.h).The survey of stations with the highest values of AOT40 is given in Table II.4.2.25. As compared with the previous assessment for the period 2006–2010, the number of localities with exceedances slightly decreased (from 20 to 8). The decrease of the value of the AOT40 exposure index for the year 2011 as compared with the year 2010 was recorded in comparable number of localities (19 localities) as its increase (15 localities). The comparison of the temperatures of the period April–September 2006 (which was not included in the assesssed five-year period) and the year 2011 shows that there was recorded the marked decrease of the average temperature in July 2011 (by 5° C), in April and August, on the contrary recorded its slight increase. In the average, the temperatures increased by 0.6 ° in this period of 2011. On the contrary, the maximum temperatures in 2011were lower at almost three quarters of localities in comparison with the year 2006 and similarly, the levels of the sum of daily averages of global solar radiation were lower in ca 65 % of localities monitoring the given parameter. Air pollution concentrations of precursors showed similarly as meteorological parameters various trends. While NO2 concentrations decreased in 2011 as compared with the year 2006 in most localities, the concentrations of 30 substances included in the VOC group, monitored in KoÅ¡etice and in LibuÅ¡, slightly increased in 2011 in more than 60 % of them. With regard to rather complicated atmospheric chemical reactions during the creation and disintegration of ozone, to its dependence on the absolute amount and the relative share of its precursors in the ambient air connected also with long-range transport of pollutants, as well as on meteorological conditions, it is difficult to make more detailed comments on the year-to-year changes. The spatial distribution of AOT40 exposure index for the 2011 assessment is shown in Fig. II.4.2.62. Fig. II.4.2.60 presents the AOT40 development in average for 5 years in the period 2007–2011 in selected localities. Fig. II.4.2.61 shows the development of AOT40 values calculated for each year in the period 2007–2011. The stations with the highest values of AOT40 exposure index are depicted in Fig. II.4.2.63. Tab. II.4.2.25 Stations with the highest AOT40 values of ozone at rural and suburban stations
Fig. II.4.2.60 Annual values of ozone exposure index AOT40 in 2001–2011 at selected stations, average for 5 years Fig. II.4.2.61 Annual values of ozone exposure index AOT40 in 2007–2011 at selected stations Fig. II.4.2.62 Field of exposure index AOT40 values, average for 5 years, 2007–2011 Fig. II.4.2.63 Stations with the highest exposure index AOT40 values in recent 5 years, 2007–2011 1AOT40: accumulated exposure is calculated as the sum of the difference between hourly ozone concentrations and the threshold level of 80 μg.m-3 (= 40 ppb) for each hour when this threshold value was exceeded. Pursuant to the requirements of the Government Order No. 597/2006 Coll. AOT40 is calculated for the period of three months (May to July) measured between 8:00 and 20:00 Central European Time (= 7:00 and 19:00 UTC).