Information about air quality in the Czech Republic

List of terminated localities, where air pollution is measured

Updated: 2024-09-27 04:44 CEST

Region: Kralovehradecky

District: Hradec Kralove
inactive HHLU Hlusice
inactive HHNE Hnevceves
inactive HHDO Horni Dohalice
inactive HHKR Hradec Kralove
inactive HHKN Hr.Kral.-nam.Osvob.
inactive HHKP Hr.Kral.-Pospisilova
inactive HHVO Hvozdnice
inactive HCHM Chmelovice
inactive HJEN Jenikovice
inactive HLIB Libcany
inactive HLOV Lovcice
inactive HNBY Novy Bydzov
inactive HPVE Piletice-Vekose
inactive HPOL Polanky
inactive HPNL Predmerice n.L.
inactive HSML Smrzov-Libesice
inactive HZAB Zabedov
District: Jicin
inactive HHOL Holovousy
inactive HJAG Jicin-Agro
inactive HKLH Kacakova Lhota
inactive HMIL Miliceves
inactive HULI Ulibice
inactive HZLU Zlunice
District: Nachod
inactive HHON Hony
inactive HHVE Hvezda
inactive HJAR Jaromer
inactive HLAC Lachov
inactive HNAK Nachod-Klinek
inactive HNAN Nachod-Nad nemoc.
inactive HNAP Nachod-Plhov
inactive HRYC Rychnovek
inactive HSLV Slavny
inactive HSON Sonov
inactive HTNM Teplice nad Metuji
inactive HVJE Velka Jesenice
inactive HZDA Zdarky
District: Rychnov nad Kneznou
inactive HANO Albrechtice n.Orl.
inactive HBOL Bolehost
inactive HCER Cernikovice
inactive HDOR Dobruska
inactive HDOB Dobruska-Belveder
inactive HDOS Dobruska-skolka
inactive HHAN Hanicka
inactive HLUK Lukavice JZD
inactive HOHN Ohnisov
inactive HOHH Orlicke hory-Homole
inactive HOHZ Orlicke hory-Zaklety I
inactive HZAK Orlicke hory-Zaklety II
inactive HPRV Prestavlky-Vrbice
inactive HRNK Rychnov nad Kneznou
inactive HSER Serlich
inactive HSEL Serlich
inactive HTNU Trnov
inactive HUHR Uhrinov
District: Trutnov
inactive HBAT Batnovice
inactive HBEZ Bezdekov
inactive HBOH Bohuslavice
inactive HHVL Havlovice
inactive HHAV Havlovice
inactive HKON Konciny
inactive HLAB Labska bouda
inactive HLAN Lanovka
inactive HMED Medvedin
inactive HNRO Novy Rokytnik
inactive HPAS Paseka
inactive HPPS Pec pod Snezkou
inactive HPIL Pilnikov
inactive HRUB Rubinovice
inactive HSHB Strazne-Hrib.bouda
inactive HTRH Trutnov-Hranicaru
inactive HTRL Trutnov-Lampertice
inactive HTRK Trutnov-Louka
inactive HTRM Trutnov-Mladeznicka
inactive HTRO Trutnov-OHS
inactive HTRP Trutnov-Porici
inactive HTRS Trutnov-Sestidomi
inactive HUPI Upice
inactive HVIT Vitezna
inactive HVLC Vlcice
inactive HVOL Voletiny
inactive HVRC Vrchlabi
inactive HZDK Zbozi u Dvora Kral.