Czech Hydrometeorological Institute - Air Quality Protection Division


The Department of Emissions and Sources has been authorized by the Ministry of the Environment to carry out emission inventories of air pollutants and greenhouse gases. In addition to the national and sector inventories, also inventories based on administrative units are produced (regions or districts). The methods and procedures are described at the websites under �Air Quality�.

I.1 Atmospheric pollutants� emissions

Pursuant to the legislation which came into force in 2002 air pollution sources are divided into several categories to carry out emission inventories. Complying with this categorisation, the Air Quality Information System (ISKO) operated by CHMI includes REZZO databases (Register of Emissions and Air Pollution Sources) which serve for archiving and presenting data on stationary and mobile air pollution sources.

Extra large, large and medium-sized air pollution sources are monitored individually as point sources, small sources at regional and local (only household heating) level as area sources and mobile sources as line sources (road transport in sections controlled by vehicle census) and as area sources at regional level (other mobile sources).

    I. Extra large and large sources – REZZO 1
    II. Medium-sized sources – REZZO 2
    III. Small sources – REZZO 3
    IV. Mobile sources – REZZO 4

The collection of data of the Summary operational records of extra large, large and medium-sized sources which are the basis of the REZZO 1 and 2 databases used the forms, the contents of which was set for the first time by a legislative document. The operators of extra large, large and medium-sized sources reported the data for the year 2009 pursuant to the requirements of the Decree of the Ministry of the Environment No. 205/2009 Coll., which came into force in August 2009. The list of data of Summary operational records is given in Annex 7. There is also a significant change in the reporting procedure itself. According to the requirements of the Act No. 25/2008 Coll. on Integrated Pollution Register Act (IRZ) and Integrated System of Compliance with Reporting Duty in Environmental Areas (ISPOP) almost 2500 subjects reported the data for the facilities under IRZ according to the data standard which included also the validation control aimed mainly at the completeness of the reporting. The form F_OVZ_SPOJ (see could be used for the reporting.

Final data on emissions of all monitored sources are not available by the deadline of the Yearbook. Consequently, emission data for the year 2009 presented in the tables are preliminary.

Table I.1.1 documents data on total emissions of basic air pollutants in 2008, and namely total suspended particles (TSP), SO2, NOx, CO, volatile organic compounds (VOC) and ammonia (NH3), and the shares contributed by each of the emission source categories to total air pollutant emissions. Preliminary data on the amount of emissions of basic pollutants in 2009 are shown in Tab. I.1.2. The development of total emissions of basic pollutants in 1990–2009 is shown in Fig. I.1.1. In comparison with the year 2008 there was no marked decrease of emissions of the monitored pollutants. According to the preliminary results, the economic crises had almost not influence on the development of SO2 emissions, against to expectations. The decrease of emission was recorded in �typical� industrial emissions, such as solid pollutants and CO, which is probably connected with the decrease of the production of iron, steel and coke. The comparison of year-to-year development of the GNP sources in selected branches and the preliminary data on emissions in 2008–2009 is presented in Table I.1.3.

Table I.1.4 covers total emissions of individual monitored heavy metals (HM) and persistent organic pollutants (POP). The emission inventory is based mainly on the data from the REZZO database with the use of statistical data (fuel and propellant consumption, the production of selected technologies) and of the respective emission factors. The significant sources of heavy metals emissions include those from power engineering (large power plants and heating plants), various technological processes (metallurgy, production of glass and cement) and in case of lead also transport. Significant POP emissions come from small combustion sources, from certain metallurgical processes, and PAH emissions also from road transport, coke production and bitumen mixture plants.

Fig. I.1.2 shows the changes in the structure of consumption of principal fuels of REZZO 1 sources in 1990 and in 2008. The graphs document the constantly large share of solid fuels combustion. The development of consumption of principal fuels of REZZO 3 sources between 1992 (data based on the inventory carried out by TECO Milevsko) and 2009 (preliminary data) is shown in Fig. I.1.3. Changes in the structure of the main types of residential heating in 1991 (data provided by the 1991 General Census), 2001 (data provided by the 2001 General Census), and 2009 (updated situation) are shown in Fig. I.1.4.

Emission data processed into charts with the help of GIS are shown in Figs. I.1.5, I.1.6, I.1.7 and  I.1.8. Emission densities for NOx, TSP, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide are plotted in 5x5 km grid-squares. The charts are based on emissions from stationary sources (REZZO 1 to 3) and mobile sources (REZZO 4) for the year 2008, with regional disaggregation of emissions from line sources according to the updated 2005 vehicle census.

Emissions assessment

The development of pollutants� emissions, as indicated by the preliminary results for the year 2009, shows the continuing declining trend in all pollutants� concentrations. The decrease of the emissions from combustion sources is not marked, whereas the decrease of technological emissions may be connected with lower productivity in economy. The decrease of emissions from mobile sources was contributed mainly by the continuing exchange of the car fleet, in spite of the almost constant fuel consumption. The influence of bio fuels on the values of the used emission factors has not been determined yet.

Tab. I.1.1 Total emissions of basic air pollutants in 2008– final data

Tab. I.1.2 Total emissions of basic air pollutants in 2009 – preliminary data

Tab. I.1.3 Index of the change in the sources of gross national product and emissions of basic pollutants

Tab. I.1.4 Total emissions of HMs and POP between 1990 and 2008

Fig. I.1.1 Total emissions of basic pollutants in the Czech Republic between 1990 and 2009

Fig. I.1.2 Changes in types of fuels in the REZZO 1 sources between 1990 and 2008 (shares of heat contained in the fuel)

Fig. I.1.3 Fuel consumption in REZZO 3 sources, 1992–2009

Fig. I.1.4 Changes in residential heating – comparison of 1991, 2001 and 2009

Fig. I.1.5 Nitrogen oxides emission density from 5x5 km squares, 2008

Fig. I.1.6 Emission density of total suspended particles from 5x5 km squares, 2008

Fig. I.1.7 Sulphur dioxide emission density from 5x5 km squares, 2008

Fig. I.1.8 Carbon monoxide emission density from 5x5 km squares, 2008