Table of Contents
Authors, co-authors and editors
Database for annual processing and the air quality information system
I.1 Atmospheric Pollutants Emission in the Czech Republic
I.2 Greenhouse gases emissions
II. Ambient Air Pollution Levels in the Czech Republic
II.1 Networks of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations
II.2 Mapping spatial distribution of air quality characteristics
II.3 Limit values in the Czech Republic valid for the year 2009
II.4 Air quality assessment
II.4.1 Agglomerations
II.4.1.1 The Capital City of Prague
II.4.1.2 Brno
II.4.1.3 The Moravian-Silesian Region
II.4.1.4 Other areas with air pollution loads with higher density of population
II.4.1.5 Trends of annual air pollution characteristics of SO2, PM10 and NO2
for the period 1996–2009
II.4.2 Czech Republic
II.4.2.1 Air quality with regard to health protection limit values
II. Sulphur dioxide
II. Suspended particles, PM10 fraction and PM2.5 fraction
II. Nitrogen dioxide
II. Carbon monoxide
II. Benzene
II. Ground-level ozone
II. Heavy metals
II. Benzo(a)pyrene
II. Other substances
II. Trends of annual air pollution characteristics of SO2, PM10,
PM2.5, NO2, NOx and O3 for the
period 1996–2009
II.4.2.2 Air quality with regard to the limit values for the protection of
ecosystems and vegetation
II. Sulphur dioxide
II. Nitrogen oxides
II. Ground-level ozone
II.4.3 Areas with deteriorated air quality
II.4.3.1 Areas with deteriorated air quality with regard to
human health
II.4.3.2 Areas with deteriorated air quality with regard to the protection of
ecosystems and vegetation
II.4.4 Conclusions
II.4.5 Europe
II.5 Evaluation of the Smog Regulation Systems operation on the territory of
the Czech Republic in 2009
III. Atmospheric Deposition in the Czech Republic
IV. Chemical composition of dense atmospheric precipitations in transboundary
mountain sites of the Czech Republic
List of tables
List of figures
List of abbreviations