Well-designed information support to facilitate decision-making processes is
essential for the deployment of measures intended to improve the quality of the
air in particular, and of the environment in general. In respect of air quality
control regular, nation-wide assessment of air quality based on systematic
measurement and subsequent evaluation of air pollution data, precipitation
quality data and emission data has become part of the standard service provided
by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. An extensive set of tools for
monitoring and objective assessment of air quality and its development in the
territory of the Czech Republic has been created, and is being constantly
upgraded. In addition to assessments, studies, research reports and other
documents prepared to meet specific purposes and requirements, it is the set of
instruments for objective assessment, as developed and made available on a
systematic basis, which constitutes the fundamental part of information support
for the air quality control.
One of the key components of this set of air quality monitoring and assessment
tools is the database Air Quality Information System (ISKO); the priority output
of processing, on an annual basis, the measured data and other information
collected over the year in the ISKO database consists of the summary annual
tabular survey �Air Pollution and Atmospheric Deposition in Data, the Czech
Republic� (hereinafter the Tabular Survey), and this Yearbook, �Air Pollution in
the Czech Republic�. These annual publications contain the measured and
aggregated data for the respective preceding calendar year and basic data on the
respective localities and measuring programmes. The surveys are intended mainly
for use by institutions and organisations concerned with the air and environment
protection in the Czech Republic. They are provided free-of-charge to state
administration bodies concerned with air protection (the Ministry of the
Environment of the Czech Republic, Regional Offices of the Ministry of the
Environment, Environmental Departments of the regional authorities and of local
authorities in basic administrative units with enlarged competencies, and the
Czech Environmental Inspectorate, including its Regional Inspectorates), to all
agencies that contribute to the ISKO database, including the Regional Public
Health Services and Health Institutes, and to other selected entities. Every
effort is made to update and extend both the Tabular Survey and the Yearbook
every year, with emphasis on information quality, data interpretation and formal
aspects, based on our own knowledge and experience and the users� comments.
This Yearbook presents comprehensively in the form of tables, graphs and maps a
summary overview of the status of air quality, including assessment of
atmospheric deposition. While the Tabular Survey, which is published regularly
before the Yearbook, provides an objective presentation of verified air
pollution data and data on the chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation
at individual localities, this Yearbook is focused mainly on map presentation
showing the country�s territory loads caused by air pollution.
The assessment of ambient air quality is treated pursuant to the valid national
legislation (Clean Air Act No. 86/2002 Coll. as amended [7] and Government Order
No. 597/2006 Coll.[8]) meeting the EU directives. The evaluation is carried out
with regard to human health protection and the protection of ecosystems and
vegetation respectively. This is the necessary prerequisite for the definition
of areas with deteriorated air quality for which programmes aimed at the
improvement of air quality or regulatory codes are required by the new
The evaluation of spatial distribution of air pollution characteristics
presented in the Yearbook serves as the basis for mapping and listing the areas
with deteriorated air quality pursuant to Clean Air Act. The spatial mapping of
air pollution characteristics on the territory of the Czech Republic uses 1x1 km
grids. The maps are created on the basis of input data (i.e. measured values).
When constructing the air pollution maps for individual pollutants in the
localities where there is no measurement the model-based data or experts�
estimates are used. The maps are produced in cooperation with the specialists
from CHMI branch offices who are acquainted with the detailed situation in the
given region. The result maps of individual air quality characteristics are
summed up into the maps of overall air quality assessment with regard to health
protection and ecosystem and vegetation protection. These summary maps serve for
the preparation of background materials for the Ministry of the Environment for
defining the areas with deteriorated air quality.
In conclusion, it should be noted that this publication, but particularly the
database of the measured data and metadata on which it relies have only been
made possible thanks to the efforts of numerous individuals, the staff of the
Institute�s branches; of its Air Quality Protection Division�s laboratories; and
of cooperating organisations. In addition to the data obtained from the Czech
Hydrometeorological Institute�s own network and from the health institutes, the
ISKO air pollution database and the database of precipitation quality receive
and store every year data from ČEZ, a.s.; the Forest Management and Gamekeeping
Research Institute; Czech Geological Survey (ČGS); Water Management Research
Institute T.G.M. (VÚV), Hydrobiological Institute (HBÚ) and from stations of
municipal authorities and other contributors. Since 1996, data for the German
part of the former Black Triangle provided by Landesamt f�r Umwelt und Geologie,
Dresden, have been stored in the ISKO air pollution database and presented.
Since 1997 data from the border area for the Polish part provided by Wojewodski
Inspektorat Ochrony Srodowiska in Jelenia Gora have also been stored. Data on
the quality of atmospheric precipitation from Poland have been submitted since
the second half of the 90�s by the Institute of Meteorology and Water
The responsibility for the collection of data entered in the register of
emissions from extra large and large pollution sources, administered within
REZZO 1, rests with the Czech Environmental Inspectorate. The collection of data
on emissions from medium-sized sources monitored within the REZZO 2, which
represents a wide-scope activity, is the responsibility of the municipal
authorities with extended competences. In 2010, for the first time, also the
collection of data through the Integrated System of Compliance with Reporting
Duty in Environmental Areas (ISPOP) implemented by the Act No. 25/2008 Coll. was
used. The data for inventories of emissions from mobile sources were processed
by the experts from the Czech Statistical Office (ČSÚ), Transport Research
Centre (CDV) Brno and Research Institute of Agricultural Technology (VÚZT)
Prague. Basic topographic data were made available to the Czech
Hydrometeorological Institute in a digitised form by the Military Topographic
Institute in Dobruška and the Czech Statistical Office. Further important
information was received from the Czech Statistical Office and other
institutions. For the construction of maps data from vehicle census were used,
submitted by the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic (ŘSD) and
the Institute of Transportation Engineering of the City of Prague (ÚDI).
The Yearbook has been prepared and edited by a team of authors and editors of
the Air Quality Protection Division of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute,
particularly from the Air Quality Information System Department, the Department
of Emissions and Sources, the Department of Modelling and Expert�s Reports and
the Department of Impact and Risk Assessment, including the colleagues from CHMI
regional offices. Assistance and important technical support have been provided
by IDEA-ENVI, Ltd.
Prague, August 2010
RNDr. Jan Macoun, Ph.D.
Deputy Director for Air Quality Protection